System::Drawing::PointF class

PointF class

Represents a pair of single-precision floating point X and Y coordinates of a point on a 2-dimensional plane. This type should be allocated on stack and passed to functions by value or by reference. Never use System::SmartPtr class to manage objects of this type.

class PointF


static Add(const PointF&, const SizeF&)Adds the width and height values of the specified SizeF object to the X and Y coordinates values of the specified PointF object correspondingly.
static Add(const PointF&, const Size&)Adds the width and height values of the specified Size object to the X and Y coordinates values of the specified PointF object correspondingly.
Equals(const PointF&) constDetermines if the current object and the specified object are equal, i.e. represent the same pair of X and Y coordinates values.
get_IsEmpty() constDetermines if both X and Y coordinates values are equal to 0.
get_X() constReturns the value of X coordinate represented by the current object.
get_Y() constReturns the value of Y coordinate represented by the current object.
GetHashCode() constReturns a hash code for the current object.
IsNull() constAlways returns false.
explicit operator bool()Always returns true.
PointF()Constructs a new PointF object and initializes its X and Y coordinates values with 0.
PointF(float, float)Constructs a new PointF object and initializes it with the specified values.
PointF(const SizeF&)Constructs a new PointF object and initializes its X and Y coordinates values with the values of width and height of the specifide SizeF object correspondingly.
set_X(float)Sets the value of X coordinate represented by the current object.
set_Y(float)Sets the value of Y coordinate represented by the current object.
static Subtract(const PointF&, const SizeF&)Subtracts the width and height values of the specified SizeF object from the X and Y coordinates values of the specified PointF object correspondingly.
static Subtract(const PointF&, const Size&)Subtracts the width and height values of the specified Size object from the X and Y coordinates values of the specified PointF object correspondingly.
ToString() constReturns the string representation of the pair of X and Y coordinates values represented by the current object.


static EmptyAn empty instance of PointF class whose X and Y coordinates values are 0.

See Also