System::Drawing::RectangleF::Offset method

RectangleF::Offset(const PointF&) method

Offsets the position of the rectangle represented by the current object by the specified amounts.

void System::Drawing::RectangleF::Offset(const PointF &pos)
posconst PointF&The PointF object that specifies the amount by which the rectangle is offset; the point’s X coordinat value specifies the amount to add to the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle and the point’s Y coordinate specifies the amount to add to the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle

See Also

RectangleF::Offset(float, float) method

Offsets the position of the rectangle represented by the current object by the specified amounts.

void System::Drawing::RectangleF::Offset(float x, float y)
xfloatThe value to add to the current X coordinate of the rectangle
yfloatThe value to add to the current Y coordinate of the rectangle

See Also