System::Drawing::RotateFlipType enum

RotateFlipType enum

Specifies the type of rotation and/or flipping operation.

enum class RotateFlipType


RotateNoneFlipNone0No rotation and no flipping.
Rotate90FlipNone1Rotate by 90 degrees clockwise and no flipping.
Rotate180FlipNone2Rotate by 180 degrees clockwise and no flipping.
Rotate270FlipNone3Rotate by 270 degrees clockwise and no flipping.
RotateNoneFlipX4Horizontal flipping and no rotation.
Rotate90FlipX5Rotate by 90 degrees clockwise and flip horizontally.
Rotate180FlipX6Rotate by 180 degrees clockwise and flip horizontally.
Rotate270FlipX7Rotate by 270 degrees clockwise and flip horizontally.
RotateNoneFlipYn/aVertical flipping and no rotation.
Rotate90FlipYn/aRotate by 90 degrees clockwise and flip vertically.
Rotate180FlipYn/aRotate by 180 degrees clockwise and flip vertically.
Rotate270FlipYn/aRotate by 270 degrees clockwise and flip vertically.
RotateNoneFlipXYn/aHorizontal and vertical flipping and no rotation.
Rotate90FlipXYn/aRotate by 90 degrees clockwise and flip horizontally and vertically.
Rotate180FlipXYn/aRotate by 180 degrees clockwise and flip horizontally and vertically.
Rotate270FlipXYn/aRotate by 270 degrees clockwise and flip horizontally and vertically.

See Also