System::Drawing::SystemColors class

SystemColors class

Class that provide a set of precreated Color objects that represent colors of Windows display elements. This is a static type with no instance services. You should never create instances of it by any means.

class SystemColors


static get_ActiveBorder()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the active window’s border.
static get_ActiveCaption()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the background of the active window’s title bar.
static get_ActiveCaptionText()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the text in the title bar of the active window.
static get_AppWorkspace()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the application workspace.
static get_ButtonFace()Returns a Color object that represents the face color of a 3-Dimensional element.
static get_ButtonHighlight()Returns a Color object that represents the highlight color of a 3-Dimensional element.
static get_ButtonShadow()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the shadow of a 3-Dimensional element.
static get_Control()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the face of a 3-Dimensional element.
static get_ControlDark()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the shadow of a 3-Dimensional element.
static get_ControlDarkDark()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the dark shadow of a 3-Dimensional element.
static get_ControlLight()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the light of a 3-Dimensional element.
static get_ControlLightLight()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the highlight of a 3-Dimensional element.
static get_ControlText()Returns a Color object that represents the color of text in a 3-Dimensional element.
static get_Desktop()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the desktop.
static get_GradientActiveCaption()Returns a Color object that represents the lightest color in the color gradient of the title bar of an active window.
static get_GradientInactiveCaption()Returns a Color object that represents the lightest color in the color gradient of the title bar of an inactive window.
static get_GrayText()Returns a Color object that represents the color of dimmed text.
static get_Highlight()Returns a Color object that represents the seleceted items’ background color.
static get_HighlightText()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the text of selected items.
static get_HotTrack()Returns a Color object that represents the color of a hot-tracked item.
static get_InactiveBorder()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the border of an inactive window.
static get_InactiveCaption()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the background of an inactive window’s title bar.
static get_InactiveCaptionText()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the text in an inactive window’s title bar.
static get_Info()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the ToolTip’s background.
static get_InfoText()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the text of a ToolTip.
static get_Menu()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the background of a menu.
static get_MenuBar()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the menu bar’s background.
static get_MenuHighlight()Returns a Color object that represents the color used to highlight menu items when the menu appears as a flat menu.
static get_MenuText()Returns a Color object that represents the color of text in a menu.
static get_ScrollBar()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the background of a scroll bar.
static get_Window()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the background in the client area of a window.
static get_WindowFrame()Returns a Color object that represents the color of a window frame.
static get_WindowText()Returns a Color object that represents the color of the text in the client area of a window.

See Also