System::Globalization namespace


CalendarCalendar which defines how the dates are handled, calculated, formatted, etc. Setter operations are only enabled on non-read-only objects. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
CharUnicodeInfoGets information about unicode character.
ChineseLunisolarCalendarChinese lunisolar calendar. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
CompareInfoMakes culture-sensitive string comparison. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
CultureInfoCollection of culture-specific values and algorithms. Setter operations are only enabled on non-read-only objects. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
DateTimeFormatInfoSet of date and time formatting parameters. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
DaylightTimePeriod of daylight saving time. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
EastAsianLunisolarCalendarEast-asian lunisolar calendar. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
GlobalizationExtensionsGlobalization related methods.
GregorianCalendarGregorian calendar. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
HebrewCalendarHebrew calendar. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
HijriCalendarHijri calendar. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
IdnMappingIdnMapping used to map names to Punycode. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
JapaneseCalendarJapanese calendar. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
JapaneseLunisolarCalendarJapanese lunisolar calendar. Not implemented. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
JulianCalendarJulian calendar. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
KoreanCalendarKorean calendar. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
KoreanLunisolarCalendarKorean lunisolar calendar. Not implemented. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
NumberFormatInfoHolds information on how to format numbers. Setter operations are only enabled on non-read-only objects. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
PersianCalendarPersian calendar. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
RegionInfoProvides information on region. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
SortKeyMapping of a string to its sort key. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
SortVersionProvides information about Unicode version used to compare and order strings. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
StringInfoSplitter to iterate through string parts. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
TaiwanCalendarTaiwan calendar. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
TaiwanLunisolarCalendarTaiwan lunisolar calendar. Not implemented. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
TextElementEnumeratorEnumerator to iterate through string elements (characters). Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
TextInfoDefines locale-specific text properties. Setter operations are only enabled on non-read-only objects. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
ThaiBuddhistCalendarThai Buddhist calendar. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
UmAlQuraCalendarUm Al Qura calendar. Not implemented. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.


CalendarAlgorithmTypeCalendar type.
CalendarWeekRuleHow to determine first week of the year.
CompareOptionsString comparison options.
CultureTypesCulture categories bitmask entries.
DateTimeStylesDefines date and time formatting options. Bit flags.
DigitShapesSpecifies display of digits.
GregorianCalendarTypesTypes of gregorian calendars.
NumberStylesNumber style allowed when parsing.
TimeSpanStylesSpecifies the formatting options that customize string parsing for methods that convert a string representation of a time interval into Timespan object.
UnicodeCategoryCategory of unicode character.


CalendarPtrCalendar pointer type.
ChineseLunisolarCalendarPtrChineseLunisolarCalendar pointer type.
CompareInfoPtrCompareInfo pointer type.
CultureInfoPtrCultureInfo pointer type.
DateTimeFormatInfoPtrDateTimeFormatInfo info pointer.
DaylightTimePtrDaylightTime pointer type.
EastAsianLunisolarCalendarPtrEastAsianLunisolarCalendar pointer type.
GregorianCalendarPtrGregorianCalendar pointer type.
HebrewCalendarPtrHebrewCalendar pointer type.
HijriCalendarPtrHijriCalendar pointer type.
IdnMappingPtrIdnMapping pointer type.
JapaneseCalendarPtrJapaneseCalendar pointer type.
JapaneseLunisolarCalendarPtrJapaneseLunisolarCalendar pointer type.
JulianCalendarPtrJulianCalendar pointer type.
KoreanCalendarPtrKoreanCalendar pointer type.
KoreanLunisolarCalendarPtrKoreanLunisolarCalendar pointer type.
NumberFormatInfoPtrNumberFormatInfo pointer.
PersianCalendarPtrPersianCalendar pointer type.
RegionInfoPtrRegionInfo pointer type.
SortKeyPtrSortKey pointer type.
SortVersionPtrSortVersion pointer type.
StringInfoPtrStringInfo pointer type.
TaiwanCalendarPtrTaiwanCalendar pointer type.
TaiwanLunisolarCalendarPtrTaiwanLunisolarCalendar pointer type.
TextElementEnumeratorPtrTextElementEnumerator pointer type.
TextInfoPtrTextInfo pointer type.
ThaiBuddhistCalendarPtrThaiBuddhistCalendar pointer type.
UmAlQuraCalendarPtrUmAlQuraCalendar pointer type.