System::Globalization::DateTimeFormatInfo class

DateTimeFormatInfo class

Set of date and time formatting parameters. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class DateTimeFormatInfo : public virtual System::Object,
                           public System::IFormatProvider,
                           public System::ICloneable


Clone() overrideClones format info.
DateTimeFormatInfo()Default constructor, constructs invariant format info.
get_AbbreviatedDayNames() constGets abbreviated day names.
get_AbbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames() constGets abbreviated month names in genitive form.
get_AbbreviatedMonthNames() constGets abbreviated month names.
get_AMDesignator() constGets AM designator.
get_Calendar() constGets calendar associated with formatter.
get_CalendarWeekRule() constGets calendar week rule associated with formatter.
static get_CurrentInfo()Gets current thread’s date and time formatter.
get_DateSeparator() constGets date separator.
get_DayNames() constGets day names.
get_FirstDayOfWeek() constGets first day of week.
get_FullDateTimePattern() constGets full date and time pattern.
static get_InvariantInfo()Gets invariant date and time formatter.
get_IsReadOnly() constChecks whether formatter is read-only.
get_LongDatePattern() constGets long date pattern.
get_LongTimePattern() constGets long time pattern.
get_MonthDayPattern() constGets month day pattern.
get_MonthGenitiveNames() constGets month names in genitive form.
get_MonthNames() constGets month names.
get_NativeCalendarName() constGets native calendar name if available.
get_PMDesignator() constGets PM designator.
get_RFC1123Pattern() constGets RFC1123 pattern.
get_ShortDatePattern() constGets short date pattern.
get_ShortestDayNames() constGets shortest day names possible.
get_ShortTimePattern() constGets short time pattern.
get_SortableDateTimePattern() constGets sortable date and time pattern.
get_TimeSeparator() constGets time separator.
get_UniversalSortableDateTimePattern() constGets universal sortable date and time pattern.
get_YearMonthPattern() constGets year and month pattern.
GetAbbreviatedDayName(DayOfWeek) constGets abbreviated week day name.
GetAbbreviatedEraName(int) constGets abbreviated era name.
GetAbbreviatedMonthName(int) constGets abbreviated month name.
GetAllDateTimePatterns() constGets all patterns in which date and time values can be formatted.
GetAllDateTimePatterns(char16_t) constGets all patterns in which date and time values can be formatted using specified format string.
GetDayName(DayOfWeek) constGets week day name.
GetEra(const String&) constGets era by name.
GetEraName(int) constGets era name.
GetFormat(const TypeInfo&) overrideGets formatter of specific type.
static GetInstance(const IFormatProviderPtr&)Gets formatter associated with format provider.
GetLeapYearMonthName(int) constGets leap-year month name.
GetMonthGenitiveName(int) constGets genitive month name.
GetMonthName(int) constGets month name.
GetShortestDayName(DayOfWeek) constGets shortes name for the specified day of week.
operator=(const DateTimeFormatInfo&)
static ReadOnly(const DateTimeFormatInfoPtr&)Gets read-only version of formatter.
set_AbbreviatedDayNames(const ArrayPtr<String>&)Sets abbreviated day names.
set_AbbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames(const ArrayPtr<String>&)Sets abbreviated month names in genitive form.
set_AbbreviatedMonthNames(const ArrayPtr<String>&)Sets abbreviated month names.
set_AMDesignator(const String&)Sets AM designator.
set_Calendar(const SharedPtr<Calendar>&)Sets calendar associated with formatter.
set_CalendarWeekRule(CalendarWeekRule)Sets calendar week rule associated with formatter.
set_DateSeparator(const String&)Sets date separator.
set_DayNames(const ArrayPtr<String>&)Sets day names.
set_FirstDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek)Sets first day of week.
set_FullDateTimePattern(const String&)Sets full date and time pattern.
set_LongDatePattern(const String&)Sets long date pattern.
set_LongTimePattern(const String&)Sets long time pattern.
set_MonthDayPattern(const String&)Sets month day pattern.
set_MonthGenitiveNames(const ArrayPtr<String>&)Sets month names in genitive form.
set_MonthNames(const ArrayPtr<String>&)Sets month names.
set_PMDesignator(const String&)Sets PM designator.
set_ShortDatePattern(const String&)Sets short date pattern.
set_ShortestDayNames(const ArrayPtr<String>&)Sets shortest day names possible.
set_ShortTimePattern(const String&)Sets short time pattern.
set_TimeSeparator(const String&)Sets time separator.
set_YearMonthPattern(const String&)Sets year and month pattern.
SetAllDateTimePatterns(const ArrayPtr<String>&, char16_t)Sets patterns for the specified format.

See Also