System::Globalization::DateTimeStyles enum

DateTimeStyles enum

Defines date and time formatting options. Bit flags.

enum class DateTimeStyles : int32_t


AllowLeadingWhite1Ignore leading white spaces.
AllowTrailingWhite2Ignore trailing white spaces.
AllowInnerWhite4Ignore inner white spaces.
AllowWhiteSpacesn/aIgnore all white spaces.
NoCurrentDateDefault8When parsing a date/time string, if all year/month/day are missing, set the default date to 0001/1/1, instead of the current year/month/day.
AdjustToUniversal16When parsing a date/time string, if a timezone specifier (“GMT”,“Z”,"+xxxx", “-xxxx” exists), we will ajdust the parsed time based to GMT.
AssumeLocal32If no timezone is given, use local timezone.
AssumeUniversal64If no timezone is given, use UTC.
RoundtripKind128Attempt to preserve whether the input is unspecified, local or UTC.

See Also