System::IO::FileInfo class

FileInfo class

Represents a path to a file and a file referred to by this path and provides methods for manipulating it. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class FileInfo : public System::IO::FileSystemInfo


AppendText()Opens a file represented by the current object for writing text using UTF-8 encoding, in ‘Append’ mode with no sharing.
CopyTo(const String&)Copies the file represented by the current object to the specified location. If the destination file already exists, the copying fails.
CopyTo(const String&, bool)Copies the file represented by the current object to the specified location. A parameter specifies if existing destination file should be overwritten.
Create()Creates a file at the location specified by the path represented by the current object and opens it for reading and writing, in truncate mode and with no sharing.
CreateText()Creates a file at the location specified by the path represented by the current object and opens it for writing text using UTF-8 encoding with no sharing.
Delete() overrideRemoves the file represented by the current object.
FileInfo(const String&)Constructs a new instance of FileInfo class that represents the specified file.
get_Directory()Returns a DirectoryInfo object that represents a directory in which the file represented by the current object is located.
get_DirectoryName()Returns the full name of the directory in which the file represented by the current object is loctaed.
get_Exists() overrideReturns a value that indicates if the file exists.
get_IsReadOnly()Returns a value that indicates if the ReadOnly attribute is set.
get_Length()Returns the size of the file in bytes.
get_Name() overrideReturns the name of the file.
MoveTo(const String&)Moves the file represented by the current object to the specified location.
Open(FileMode)Opens the file represented by the current object in the specified mode for reading and writing and with no sharing.
Open(FileMode, FileAccess)Opens the file represented by the current object in the specified mode, with the specified access type and with no sharing.
Open(FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare)Opens the file represented by the current object in the specified mode, with the specified access type and sharing option.
OpenRead()Opens a file represented by the current object for reading only, in ‘Open’ mode with shared access for reading.
OpenText()Opens the existing file at the location specified by the path represented by the current object for reading text using UTF-8 encoding with no sharing.
OpenWrite()Opens a file represented by the current object for writing only, in ‘OpenOrCreate’ mode with no sharing.
Replace(const String&, const String&)Replaces the contents of a specified destination file with the file represented by the current FileInfo object and creates a backup of the replaced file.
Replace(const String&, const String&, bool)Replaces the contents of a specified destination file with the file represented by the current FileInfo object and creates a backup of the replaced file.
set_IsReadOnly(bool)Sets or unsets the ReadOnly attribute on the file.
ToString() const overrideReturns a path represented by the current object.

See Also