System::IO::FileStream::Write method

FileStream::Write(const ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&, int32_t, int32_t) method

Writes the specified subrange of bytes from the specified byte array to the stream.

void System::IO::FileStream::Write(const ArrayPtr<uint8_t> &buffer, int32_t offset, int32_t count) override
bufferconst ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&The array containing the bytes to write.
offsetint32_tA 0-based index of the elemnet in buffer at which the subrange to write begins.
countint32_tThe number of elements in the subrange to write.

See Also

FileStream::Write(const System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>&, int32_t, int32_t) method

Writes the specified subrange of bytes from the specified byte array to the stream.

void System::IO::FileStream::Write(const System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t> &buffer, int32_t offset, int32_t count) override
bufferconst System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>&The array view containing the bytes to write.
offsetint32_tA 0-based index of the elemnet in buffer at which the subrange to write begins.
countint32_tThe number of elements in the subrange to write.

See Also