System::IO::Path class

Path class

Provides methods for manipulating paths. This is a static type with no instance services. You should never create instances of it by any means.

class Path


static ChangeExtension(const String&, const String&)Changes the extension in the specified file path.
static CheckPath(const String&, const String&, bool)Determines if the specified path is valid by checking if it contains invalid characters. An exception is thrown if the path contains invalid characters.
static Combine(const ArrayPtr<String>&)Combines the specified path segments into a single path inserting directory separator characters between the segments if necessary.
static Combine(const String&, const String&)Combines two specified path segments into a single path inserting directory separator character between the segments if necessary.
static Combine(const String&, const String&, const String&)Combines three specified path segments into a single path inserting directory separator characters between the segments if necessary.
static Combine(const String&, const String&, const String&, const String&)Combines four specified path segments into a single path inserting directory separator characters between the segments if necessary.
static GetDirectoryName(const String&)Returns the name of the directory referenced by the specified path.
static GetExtension(const String&)Returns the extension of the file referenced by the specified path.
static GetFileName(const String&)Returns the name of the file referenced by the specified path.
static GetFileNameWithoutExtension(const String&)Returns the name without extension of the file referenced by the specified path.
static GetFullPath(const String&)Converts the specified path into absolute path.
static GetInvalidFileNameChars()Returns an array containing characters that are not allowed in the names of files.
static GetInvalidPathChars()Returns an array containing characters that are not allowed in path names.
static GetPathRoot(const String&)Returns the root directory of the specified path.
static GetRandomFileName()Returns a randomly generated file name.
static GetTempFileName_()Creates a new file with a unique name and returns a full path to it.
static GetTempFileNameSafe()Creates a new file with a unique name and returns a full path to it. Is a synonym of GetTempFileName_() method.
static GetTempPath()Returns the path of the current user’s temporary directory.
static HasExtension(const String&)Determines if the specified path references a file with extension.
static IsPathRooted(const String&)Determines if the specified path contains a root.
static NormalizePath(const String&)Normalizes the specified path.
static ToBoost(const String&)Returns an instance of boost::filesystem::path class that represents the specified path.
static ToString(const boost::filesystem::path&)Returns a string representation of the specified Boost’s path object.


static AltDirectorySeparatorCharAn alternate character used to separate directory levels in a path.
static DirectorySeparatorCharA character used to separate directory levels in a path.
static PathSeparatorA separator character used to separate path strings in environment variables.
static VolumeSeparatorCharA volume separator character.


#include "system/io/path.h"
#include <iostream>

int main()
  using namespace System::IO;

  // Generate a random filename.
  auto filename = Path::GetRandomFileName();

  // Print information about file name.
  std::cout <<
    "Filename: " << Path::GetFileName(filename) << std::endl <<
    "Filename w/o an extension: " << Path::GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) << std::endl <<
    "Extension: " << Path::GetExtension(filename) << std::endl;

  return 0;
This code example produces the following output:
Filename: qhuzkyqv.y6p
Filename w/o an extension: qhuzkyqv
Extension: .y6p

See Also