System::Net::CookieContainer class

CookieContainer class

Provides a container for the CookieCollection-class instances. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class CookieContainer : public System::Object


Add(System::SharedPtr<Cookie>)Adds a cookie to the collection.
Add(System::SharedPtr<Cookie>, bool)Adds a cookie to the collection.
Add(System::SharedPtr<CookieCollection>)Copies cookies from the specified collection to the current one.
Add(System::SharedPtr<Uri>, System::SharedPtr<Cookie>)Adds a cookie for the specified URI.
Add(System::SharedPtr<Uri>, System::SharedPtr<CookieCollection>)Copies cookies from the specified collection for the specified URI to the current collection.
CookieContainer()Constructs a new instance.
CookieContainer(int32_t)Constructs a new instance.
CookieContainer(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t)Constructs a new instance.
CookieCutter(System::SharedPtr<Uri>, String, String, bool)Copies cookies from the specified HTTP header for the specified URI.
get_Capacity()Gets the collection capacity.
get_Count()Returns the number of the collection’s items.
get_MaxCookieSize()Gets the maximum cookie size.
get_PerDomainCapacity()Gets the collection capacity per domain.
GetCookieHeader(System::SharedPtr<Uri>)Return an HTTP header that contains cookies associated with the specified URI.
GetCookieHeader(System::SharedPtr<Uri>, String&)Return an HTTP header that contains cookies associated with the specified URI.
GetCookies(System::SharedPtr<Uri>)Returns a collection of cookies that are associated with the specified URI.
InternalGetCookies(System::SharedPtr<Uri>)Returns a collection of cookies that are associated with the specified URI.
IsLocalDomain(String)Checks if the specified domain is localhost.
set_Capacity(int32_t)Sets the collection capacity.
set_MaxCookieSize(int32_t)Sets the maximum cookie size.
set_PerDomainCapacity(int32_t)Sets the collection capacity per domain.
SetCookies(System::SharedPtr<Uri>, String)Copies cookies from the specified header to the collection and associates them with the specified URI.


static DefaultCookieLengthLimitThe maximum cookie size.
static DefaultCookieLimitRTTI information.
static DefaultPerDomainCookieLimitThe maximum number of collection items per domain.

See Also