System::Net::ServicePoint class

ServicePoint class

Provides HTTP connection management. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class ServicePoint : public System::Object


CloseConnectionGroup(String)Closes and removes connections that belong to the specified connection group.
get_Address()Returns the server URI to which the current instance connects.
get_BindIPEndPointDelegate()RTTI information.
get_Certificate()Returns a certificate that is used by the current instance.
get_ClientCertificate()Returns the last client certificate.
get_ConnectionLeaseTimeout()Gets a timeout in milliseconds after which active ServicePoint will be closed.
get_ConnectionLimit()Gets the maximum number of connections that are allowed by the current instance.
get_ConnectionName()Returns the connection name.
get_CurrentConnections()Returns a number of opened connections.
get_Expect100Continue()Gets a value that indicates if the 100-Continue behavior is used.
get_IdleSince()Returns a date and time of the latest connection to a host.
get_MaxIdleTime()Gets an amount of time in milliseconds after which an idle connection will be closed.
virtual get_ProtocolVersion()Returns the HTTP version.
get_ReceiveBufferSize()Gets the size of the receive buffer.
get_SupportsPipelining()Returns a value that indicates if the current instance supports the pipeline connections.
get_UseNagleAlgorithm()Gets a value that indicates if the Nagle algorithm is used by connections managed by the current instance.
set_BindIPEndPointDelegate(BindIPEndPoint)Sets the delegate that is used to associate local IPEndPoint with the current instance.
set_ConnectionLeaseTimeout(int32_t)Sets a timeout in milliseconds after which active ServicePoint will be closed.
set_ConnectionLimit(int32_t)Sets the maximum number of connections that are allowed by the current instance.
set_Expect100Continue(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the 100-Continue behavior is used.
set_MaxIdleTime(int32_t)Sets an amount of time in milliseconds after which an idle connection will be closed.
set_ReceiveBufferSize(int32_t)Sets the size of the receive buffer.
set_UseNagleAlgorithm(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the Nagle algorithm is used by connections managed by the current instance.
SetTcpKeepAlive(bool, int32_t, int32_t)Sets the value that indicates if the ‘Keep-Alive’ option is enabled.

See Also