System::Net::WebRequest class

WebRequest class

Represents a web request. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class WebRequest : public virtual System::Object

Nested classes


virtual Abort()Aborts the current request.
virtual BeginGetRequestStream(AsyncCallback, System::SharedPtr<Object>)Initiates an asynchronous operation to get a stream for writing data to the resource.
virtual BeginGetResponse(AsyncCallback, System::SharedPtr<Object>)Initiates an asynchronous request for the resource.
static Create(String)Creates a new instance of the WebRequest class using the specified URI.
static Create(System::SharedPtr<Uri>)Creates a new instance of the WebRequest class using the specified URI.
static CreateDefault(System::SharedPtr<Uri>)Creates a WebRequest descendant for the specified URI scheme.
static CreateHttp(String)Creates a new instance of the WebRequest class using the specified URI.
static CreateHttp(System::SharedPtr<Uri>)Creates a new instance of the WebRequest class using the specified URI.
virtual EndGetRequestStream(System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult>)Waits until the specified asynchronous operation to get a stream completes.
virtual EndGetResponse(System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult>)Waits until the specified asynchronous request for the resource completes.
virtual get_CachePolicy()Gets the cache policy.
virtual get_ConnectionGroupName()Gets the name of the connection group.
virtual get_ContentLength()Gets the number of bytes of the request data to sent.
virtual get_ContentType()Gets the MIME type of the request.
virtual get_Credentials()Gets authentication information that is associated with the current request.
static get_DefaultWebProxy()Gets the global HTTP proxy.
virtual get_Headers()Gets the collection of the HTTP headers.
virtual get_Method()Gets the HTTP method.
virtual get_PreAuthenticate()Gets a value that indicates if the request must be pre-authenticated.
static get_PrefixList()Gets the prefix list.
virtual get_Proxy()Gets the HTTP proxy.
virtual get_RequestUri()Returns the request URI.
virtual get_Timeout()Gets an amount of time in milliseconds after which the request will be timed out.
virtual get_UseDefaultCredentials()Gets a value that indicates if the ‘Credential’ property is equal to the ‘DefaultCredentials’ property.
virtual GetRequestStream()Returns the stream for writing data to the resource.
virtual GetResponse()Returns the web response associated with the current web request.
static RegisterPrefix(String, System::SharedPtr<IWebRequestCreate>)Registers the WebRequest descendant for the specified URI.
virtual set_CachePolicy(System::SharedPtr<System::Net::Cache::RequestCachePolicy>)Sets the cache policy.
virtual set_ConnectionGroupName(System::String)Sets the name of the connection group.
virtual set_ContentLength(int64_t)Sets the number of bytes of the request data to sent.
virtual set_ContentType(String)Sets the MIME type of the request.
virtual set_Credentials(System::SharedPtr<ICredentials>)Sets authentication information that is associated with the current request.
static set_DefaultWebProxy(System::SharedPtr<IWebProxy>)Sets the global HTTP proxy.
virtual set_Headers(System::SharedPtr<WebHeaderCollection>)Sets the collection of the HTTP headers.
virtual set_Method(String)Sets the HTTP method.
virtual set_PreAuthenticate(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the request must be pre-authenticated.
static set_PrefixList(System::SharedPtr<Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<WebRequest::WebRequestPrefixElement>>>)Sets the prefix list.
virtual set_Proxy(System::SharedPtr<IWebProxy>)Sets the HTTP proxy.
virtual set_Timeout(int32_t)Sets an amount of time in milliseconds after which the request will be timed out.
virtual set_UseDefaultCredentials(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the ‘Credential’ property is equal to the ‘DefaultCredentials’ property.

See Also