System::Security::Cryptography::SymmetricAlgorithm class

SymmetricAlgorithm class

Symmetric algorithm using same key for encryption and decryption base class. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class SymmetricAlgorithm : public virtual System::Object


static Create(const String&)Creates algorithm instance.
virtual CreateDecryptor()Creates decryptor with parameters associated with algorithm object.
virtual CreateDecryptor(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>)Creates decryptor with explicit parameters.
virtual CreateEncryptor()Creates encryptor with parameters associated with algorithm object.
virtual CreateEncryptor(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>)Creates encryptor with explicit parameters.
virtual GenerateIV()Generates random initial value for the algorithm. Overrides existing one (if any).
virtual GenerateKey()Generates random key for the algorithm. Overrides existing one (if any).
virtual get_BlockSize()Gets block size of cryptographic operation.
virtual get_FeedbackSize()Gets feedback size of cryptographic operation.
virtual get_IV()Gets initial value of cryptographic operation. Creates new if not created yet.
virtual get_Key()Gets key of cryptographic operation. Creates new if not created yet.
virtual get_KeySize()Gets key size of cryptographic operation.
virtual get_Mode()Gets mode of cryptographic operation.
virtual get_Padding()Gets padding of cryptographic operation.
virtual set_BlockSize(int)Sets block size of cryptographic operation.
virtual set_FeedbackSize(int)Sets feedback size of cryptographic operation.
virtual set_IV(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>)Sets initial value of cryptographic operation.
virtual set_Key(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>)Sets key of cryptographic operation.
virtual set_KeySize(int)Sets key size of cryptographic operation.
virtual set_Mode(CipherMode)Sets mode of cryptographic operation.
virtual set_Padding(PaddingMode)Sets padding of cryptographic operation.
ValidKeySize(int)Checks if key size is valid.

See Also