System::Xml::XmlReader class

XmlReader class

Represents a reader that provides fast, noncached, forward-only access to XML data.

class XmlReader : public System::IDisposable


virtual Close()When overridden in a derived class, changes the XmlReader::get_ReadState to ReadState::Closed.
static Create(const String&)Creates a new XmlReader instance with specified URI.
static Create(const String&, const SharedPtr<XmlReaderSettings>&)Creates a new XmlReader instance by using the specified URI and settings.
static Create(const String&, SharedPtr<XmlReaderSettings>, const SharedPtr<XmlParserContext>&)Creates a new XmlReader instance by using the specified URI, settings, and context information for parsing.
static Create(const SharedPtr<IO::Stream>&)Creates a new XmlReader instance using the specified stream with default settings.
static Create(const SharedPtr<IO::Stream>&, const SharedPtr<XmlReaderSettings>&)Creates a new XmlReader instance with the specified stream and settings.
static Create(const SharedPtr<IO::Stream>&, SharedPtr<XmlReaderSettings>, const String&)Creates a new XmlReader instance using the specified stream, base URI, and settings.
static Create(const SharedPtr<IO::Stream>&, SharedPtr<XmlReaderSettings>, const SharedPtr<XmlParserContext>&)Creates a new XmlReader instance using the specified stream, settings, and context information for parsing.
static Create(const SharedPtr<IO::TextReader>&)Creates a new XmlReader instance by using the specified text reader.
static Create(const SharedPtr<IO::TextReader>&, const SharedPtr<XmlReaderSettings>&)Creates a new XmlReader instance by using the specified text reader and settings.
static Create(const SharedPtr<IO::TextReader>&, SharedPtr<XmlReaderSettings>, const String&)Creates a new XmlReader instance by using the specified text reader, settings, and base URI.
static Create(const SharedPtr<IO::TextReader>&, SharedPtr<XmlReaderSettings>, const SharedPtr<XmlParserContext>&)Creates a new XmlReader instance by using the specified text reader, settings, and context information for parsing.
static Create(const SharedPtr<XmlReader>&, SharedPtr<XmlReaderSettings>)Creates a new XmlReader instance by using the specified XML reader and settings.
Dispose() overrideReleases all resources used by the current instance of the XmlReader class.
virtual get_AttributeCount()When overridden in a derived class, gets the number of attributes on the current node.
virtual get_BaseURI()When overridden in a derived class, gets the base URI of the current node.
virtual get_CanReadBinaryContent()Returns a value indicating whether the XmlReader implements the binary content read methods.
virtual get_CanReadValueChunk()Returns a value indicating whether the XmlReader implements the XmlReader::ReadValueChunk method.
virtual get_CanResolveEntity()Returns a value indicating whether this reader can parse and resolve entities.
virtual get_Depth()When overridden in a derived class, gets the depth of the current node in the XML document.
virtual get_EOF()When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether the reader is positioned at the end of the stream.
virtual get_HasAttributes()Returns a value indicating whether the current node has any attributes.
virtual get_HasValue()When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether the current node can have a XmlReader::get_Value value.
virtual get_IsDefault()When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether the current node is an attribute that was generated from the default value defined in the DTD or schema.
virtual get_IsEmptyElement()When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether the current node is an empty element (for example, ).
virtual get_LocalName()When overridden in a derived class, gets the local name of the current node.
virtual get_Name()When overridden in a derived class, gets the qualified name of the current node.
virtual get_NamespaceURI()When overridden in a derived class, gets the namespace URI (as defined in the W3C Namespace specification) of the node on which the reader is positioned.
virtual get_NameTable()When overridden in a derived class, gets the XmlNameTable associated with this implementation.
virtual get_NodeType()When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of the current node.
virtual get_Prefix()When overridden in a derived class, gets the namespace prefix associated with the current node.
virtual get_QuoteChar()When overridden in a derived class, gets the quotation mark character used to enclose the value of an attribute node.
virtual get_ReadState()When overridden in a derived class, gets the state of the reader.
virtual get_SchemaInfo()Returns the schema information that has been assigned to the current node as a result of schema validation.
virtual get_Settings()Returns the XmlReaderSettings object used to create this XmlReader instance.
virtual get_Value()When overridden in a derived class, gets the text value of the current node.
virtual get_ValueType()Returns The type for the current node.
virtual get_XmlLang()When overridden in a derived class, gets the current xml:lang scope.
virtual get_XmlSpace()When overridden in a derived class, gets the current xml:space scope.
virtual GetAttribute(String)When overridden in a derived class, gets the value of the attribute with the specified XmlReader::get_Name value.
virtual GetAttribute(String, String)When overridden in a derived class, gets the value of the attribute with the specified XmlReader::get_LocalName and XmlReader::get_NamespaceURI values.
virtual GetAttribute(int32_t)When overridden in a derived class, gets the value of the attribute with the specified index.
virtual idx_get(int32_t)When overridden in a derived class, gets the value of the attribute with the specified index.
virtual idx_get(String)When overridden in a derived class, gets the value of the attribute with the specified XmlReader::get_Name value.
virtual idx_get(String, String)When overridden in a derived class, gets the value of the attribute with the specified XmlReader::get_LocalName and XmlReader::get_NamespaceURI values.
static IsName(const String&)Returns a value indicating whether the string argument is a valid XML name.
static IsNameToken(const String&)Returns a value indicating whether or not the string argument is a valid XML name token.
virtual IsStartElement()Calls XmlReader::MoveToContent and tests if the current content node is a start tag or empty element tag.
virtual IsStartElement(String)Calls XmlReader::MoveToContent and tests if the current content node is a start tag or empty element tag and if the XmlReader::get_Name value of the element found matches the given argument.
virtual IsStartElement(String, String)Calls XmlReader::MoveToContent and tests if the current content node is a start tag or empty element tag and if the XmlReader::get_LocalName and XmlReader::get_NamespaceURI values of the element found match the given strings.
virtual LookupNamespace(const String&)When overridden in a derived class, resolves a namespace prefix in the current element’s scope.
virtual MoveToAttribute(String)When overridden in a derived class, moves to the attribute with the specified XmlReader::get_Name value.
virtual MoveToAttribute(String, String)When overridden in a derived class, moves to the attribute with the specified XmlReader::get_LocalName and XmlReader::get_NamespaceURI values.
virtual MoveToAttribute(int32_t)When overridden in a derived class, moves to the attribute with the specified index.
virtual MoveToContent()Checks whether the current node is a content (non-white space text, CDATA, Element, EndElement, EntityReference, or EndEntity) node. If the node is not a content node, the reader skips ahead to the next content node or end of file. It skips over nodes of the following type: ProcessingInstruction, DocumentType, Comment, Whitespace, or SignificantWhitespace.
virtual MoveToElement()When overridden in a derived class, moves to the element that contains the current attribute node.
virtual MoveToFirstAttribute()When overridden in a derived class, moves to the first attribute.
virtual MoveToNextAttribute()When overridden in a derived class, moves to the next attribute.
virtual Read()When overridden in a derived class, reads the next node from the stream.
virtual ReadAttributeValue()When overridden in a derived class, parses the attribute value into one or more Text, EntityReference, or EndEntity nodes.
virtual ReadContentAs(const TypeInfo&, SharedPtr<IXmlNamespaceResolver>)Reads the content as an object of the type specified.
virtual ReadContentAsBase64(ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t)Reads the content and returns the Base64 decoded binary bytes.
virtual ReadContentAsBinHex(ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t)Reads the content and returns the BinHex decoded binary bytes.
virtual ReadContentAsBoolean()Reads the text content at the current position as a Boolean.
virtual ReadContentAsDateTime()Reads the text content at the current position as a DateTime object.
virtual ReadContentAsDateTimeOffset()Reads the text content at the current position as a DateTimeOffset object.
virtual ReadContentAsDecimal()Reads the text content at the current position as a Decimal object.
virtual ReadContentAsDouble()Reads the text content at the current position as a double-precision floating-point number.
virtual ReadContentAsFloat()Reads the text content at the current position as a single-precision floating point number.
virtual ReadContentAsInt()Reads the text content at the current position as a 32-bit signed integer.
virtual ReadContentAsLong()Reads the text content at the current position as a 64-bit signed integer.
virtual ReadContentAsObject()Reads the text content at the current position as an Object.
virtual ReadContentAsString()Reads the text content at the current position as a String object.
virtual ReadElementContentAs(const TypeInfo&, SharedPtr<IXmlNamespaceResolver>)Reads the element content as the requested type.
virtual ReadElementContentAs(const TypeInfo&, SharedPtr<IXmlNamespaceResolver>, String, String)Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the element content as the requested type.
virtual ReadElementContentAsBase64(ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t)Reads the element and decodes the Base64 content.
virtual ReadElementContentAsBinHex(ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t)Reads the element and decodes the BinHex content.
virtual ReadElementContentAsBoolean()Reads the current element and returns the contents as a Boolean object.
virtual ReadElementContentAsBoolean(String, String)Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as a Boolean object.
virtual ReadElementContentAsDateTime()Reads the current element and returns the contents as a DateTime object.
virtual ReadElementContentAsDateTime(String, String)Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as a DateTime object.
virtual ReadElementContentAsDecimal()Reads the current element and returns the contents as a Decimal object.
virtual ReadElementContentAsDecimal(String, String)Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as a Decimal object.
virtual ReadElementContentAsDouble()Reads the current element and returns the contents as a double-precision floating-point number.
virtual ReadElementContentAsDouble(String, String)Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as a double-precision floating-point number.
virtual ReadElementContentAsFloat()Reads the current element and returns the contents as single-precision floating-point number.
virtual ReadElementContentAsFloat(String, String)Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as a single-precision floating-point number.
virtual ReadElementContentAsInt()Reads the current element and returns the contents as a 32-bit signed integer.
virtual ReadElementContentAsInt(String, String)Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as a 32-bit signed integer.
virtual ReadElementContentAsLong()Reads the current element and returns the contents as a 64-bit signed integer.
virtual ReadElementContentAsLong(String, String)Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as a 64-bit signed integer.
virtual ReadElementContentAsObject()Reads the current element and returns the contents as an Object.
virtual ReadElementContentAsObject(String, String)Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as an Object.
virtual ReadElementContentAsString()Reads the current element and returns the contents as a String object.
virtual ReadElementContentAsString(String, String)Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as a String object.
virtual ReadElementString()Reads a text-only element. However, it is recommended to use the XmlReader::ReadElementContentAsString method instead, because it provides a more straightforward way to handle this operation.
virtual ReadElementString(String)Checks that the XmlReader::get_Name value of the element found matches the given string before reading a text-only element. However, it is recommended to use the XmlReader::ReadElementContentAsString method instead, because it provides a more straightforward way to handle this operation.
virtual ReadElementString(String, String)Checks that the XmlReader::get_LocalName and XmlReader::get_NamespaceURI values of the element found matches the given strings before reading a text-only element. However, it is recommended to use the XmlReader::ReadElementContentAsString method instead, because it provides a more straightforward way to handle this operation.
virtual ReadEndElement()Checks that the current content node is an end tag and advances the reader to the next node.
virtual ReadInnerXml()When overridden in a derived class, reads all the content, including markup, as a string.
virtual ReadOuterXml()When overridden in a derived class, reads the content, including markup, representing this node and all its children.
virtual ReadStartElement()Checks that the current node is an element and advances the reader to the next node.
virtual ReadStartElement(String)Checks that the current content node is an element with the given XmlReader::get_Name value and advances the reader to the next node.
virtual ReadStartElement(String, String)Checks that the current content node is an element with the given XmlReader::get_LocalName and XmlReader::get_NamespaceURI values and advances the reader to the next node.
virtual ReadString()When overridden in a derived class, reads the contents of an element or text node as a string. However, it is recommended to use the XmlReader::ReadElementContentAsString method instead, because it provides a more straightforward way to handle this operation.
virtual ReadSubtree()Returns a new XmlReader instance that can be used to read the current node, and all its descendants.
virtual ReadToDescendant(String)Advances the XmlReader to the next descendant element with the specified qualified name.
virtual ReadToDescendant(String, String)Advances the XmlReader to the next descendant element with the specified local name and namespace URI.
virtual ReadToFollowing(String)Reads until an element with the specified qualified name is found.
virtual ReadToFollowing(String, String)Reads until an element with the specified local name and namespace URI is found.
virtual ReadToNextSibling(String)Advances the XmlReader to the next sibling element with the specified qualified name.
virtual ReadToNextSibling(String, String)Advances the XmlReader to the next sibling element with the specified local name and namespace URI.
virtual ReadValueChunk(ArrayPtr<char16_t>, int32_t, int32_t)Reads large streams of text embedded in an XML document.
virtual ResolveEntity()When overridden in a derived class, resolves the entity reference for EntityReference nodes.
virtual Skip()Skips the children of the current node.


PtrAn alias for shared pointer to an instance of this class.

See Also