In this tutorial, we will walk you through how to convert XML file to PDF using Aspose.PDF library for .NET step by step. We’ll detail the provided C# source code and show you how to implement it in your own projects. By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to easily convert XML files to PDF documents.

Step 1: Set Documents Directory


Replace "YOUR DOCUMENTS DIRECTORY" with the path where you want to save the generated PDF file.

Step 2: Instantiate a Document object

Document doc = new Document();

Create an instance of the Document object.

doc.BindXml(dataDir + "sample.xml");

Links the source XML file to the document.

Step 4: Get Page Object Reference from XML

Page page = (Page)doc.GetObjectById("mainSection");

Get the Page object reference from the XML using its ID.

Step 5: Get the text segment reference from the XML

TextSegment segment = (TextSegment)doc.GetObjectById("boldHtml");
segment = (TextSegment)doc.GetObjectById("strongHtml");

Get reference of text segments from XML using their IDs. You can add more segments as needed.

Step 6: Save the Resulting PDF File

doc.Save(dataDir + "XMLToPDF_out.pdf");

Save the resulting PDF file to the specified directory.

Example source code for XML to PDF using Aspose.PDF for .NET

// The path to the documents directory.

// Instantiate Document object
Document doc = new Document();
// Bind source XML file
doc.BindXml( dataDir + "sample.xml");
// Get reference of page object from XML
Page page = (Page)doc.GetObjectById("mainSection");
// Get reference of first TextSegment with ID boldHtml
TextSegment segment = (TextSegment)doc.GetObjectById("boldHtml");
// Get reference of second TextSegment with ID strongHtml
segment = (TextSegment)doc.GetObjectById("strongHtml");
// Save resultant PDF file
doc.Save(dataDir + "XMLToPDF_out.pdf");


In this tutorial, we learned how to convert an XML file to PDF using the Aspose.PDF library for .NET. We have detailed the provided C# source code and explained each step of the conversion process. By following these instructions, you can easily integrate XML to PDF conversion functionality into your own .NET applications.


Q: What is Aspose.PDF for .NET?

A: Aspose.PDF for .NET is a robust library that enables developers to work with PDF documents in C# applications. It offers various features, including the ability to convert XML files to PDF.

Q: Why would I want to convert XML to PDF?

A: Converting XML to PDF can be beneficial for various reasons. It allows you to generate printable, structured documents from XML data, preserving the content and layout in a PDF format. This is useful for reporting, document generation, and archiving purposes.

Q: Can I customize the appearance of the PDF output?

A: Yes, you can customize the appearance of the PDF output. In the provided code, the segments with IDs “boldHtml” and “strongHtml” are referenced from the XML, and you can modify their formatting as needed.

Q: Is there a specific structure for the XML file?

A: The XML file should have a structure that corresponds to the elements and formatting you want to display in the resulting PDF. In the provided code, the IDs “mainSection,” “boldHtml,” and “strongHtml” are used to reference specific elements in the XML.

Q: Can I add more text segments or elements to the PDF?

A: Yes, you can add more text segments or elements to the PDF by creating additional elements in the XML file and referencing them using their respective IDs in the C# code.