Manage ActiveX Control in PowerPoint

ActiveX controls are powerful elements that can enhance the functionality and interactivity of your PowerPoint presentations. These controls allow you to embed and manipulate objects like multimedia players, data entry forms, and more directly within your slides. In this article, we will explore how to manage ActiveX controls in PowerPoint using Aspose.Slides for .NET, a versatile library that enables seamless integration and manipulation of PowerPoint files in your .NET applications.

Adding ActiveX Controls to PowerPoint Slides

To begin incorporating ActiveX controls into your PowerPoint presentations, follow these steps:

  1. Create a New PowerPoint Presentation: First, create a new PowerPoint presentation using Aspose.Slides for .NET. You can refer to the Aspose.Slides for .NET API Reference for guidance on how to work with presentations.

  2. Add a Slide: Use the library to add a new slide to your presentation. This will be the slide where you want to insert the ActiveX control.

  3. Insert the ActiveX Control: Now, it’s time to insert the ActiveX control onto the slide. You can achieve this by following the sample code below:

// Load the presentation
Presentation presentation = new Presentation("path_to_your_presentation.pptx");

// Get the slide where you want to insert the ActiveX control
ISlide slide = presentation.Slides[0];

// Define the properties of the ActiveX control
int left = 100; // Specify the left position
int top = 100; // Specify the top position
int width = 200; // Specify the width
int height = 100; // Specify the height
string progId = "YourActiveXControl.ProgID"; // Specify the ProgID of the ActiveX control

// Add the ActiveX control to the slide
IOleObjectFrame oleObjectFrame = slide.Shapes.AddOleObjectFrame(left, top, width, height, progId);

Make sure to replace "YourActiveXControl.ProgID" with the actual ProgID of the ActiveX control you want to insert.

  1. Save the Presentation: After inserting the ActiveX control, save the presentation using the following code:
presentation.Save("output.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);

Manipulating ActiveX Controls Programmatically

Once you’ve added the ActiveX control to your slide, you might want to manipulate it programmatically. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Access the ActiveX Control: To access the properties and methods of the ActiveX control, you’ll need to obtain a reference to it. Use the following code to get the control from the slide:
IOleObjectFrame oleObjectFrame = slide.Shapes[0] as IOleObjectFrame;
  1. Invoke Methods: You can invoke methods of the ActiveX control using the obtained reference. For instance, if the ActiveX control has a method called “Play,” you can call it like this:
  1. Set Properties: You can also set properties of the ActiveX control programmatically. For example, if the control has a property called “Volume,” you can set it like this:
oleObjectFrame.SetProperty("Volume", 50);

Customizing ActiveX Control Properties

Customizing the properties of your ActiveX control can greatly enhance the user experience of your presentation. Here’s how you can customize these properties:

  1. Access Properties: As mentioned earlier, you can access the properties of the ActiveX control using the IOleObjectFrame reference.

  2. Set Properties: Use the SetProperty method to set various properties of the ActiveX control. For example, you can change the background color like this:

oleObjectFrame.SetProperty("BackColor", Color.Red);

Handling Events Associated with ActiveX Controls

ActiveX controls often have associated events that can trigger actions based on user interactions. Here’s how you can handle these events:

  1. Subscribe to Events: First, subscribe to the desired event of the ActiveX control. For example, if the control has a “Clicked” event, you can subscribe to it like this:
oleObjectFrame.EventClick += (sender, args) =>
    // Your event handling code here

Deleting ActiveX Controls from Slides

If you want to remove an ActiveX control from a slide, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Control: Obtain a reference to the ActiveX control using the IOleObjectFrame reference as shown earlier.

  2. Remove the Control: Use the following code to remove the control from the slide:


Saving and Exporting the Modified Presentation

After you’ve made all the necessary changes to your presentation, you can save and export it using the following code:

presentation.Save("modified.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);

Benefits of Using Aspose.Slides for .NET

Aspose.Slides for .NET simplifies the process of working with ActiveX controls in PowerPoint presentations by providing a user-friendly API that allows you to seamlessly integrate and manipulate these controls. Some benefits of using Aspose.Slides for .NET include:

  • Easy insertion of ActiveX controls onto slides.
  • Comprehensive methods for programmatically interacting with controls.
  • Simplified customization of control properties.
  • Efficient event handling for interactive presentations.
  • Streamlined removal of controls from slides.


Incorporating ActiveX controls into your PowerPoint presentations can elevate the interactivity and engagement level of your audience. With Aspose.Slides for .NET, you have a powerful tool at your disposal to seamlessly manage ActiveX controls, enabling you to create dynamic and captivating presentations that leave a lasting impression.


How can I add an ActiveX control to a specific slide?

To add an ActiveX control to a specific slide, you can use the AddOleObjectFrame method provided by Aspose.Slides for .NET. This method allows you to specify the position, size, and ProgID of the ActiveX control you want to insert.

Can I manipulate ActiveX controls programmatically?

Yes, you can manipulate ActiveX controls programmatically using Aspose.Slides for .NET. By obtaining a reference to the IOleObjectFrame representing the control, you can invoke methods and set properties to interact with the control dynamically.

How do I handle events

triggered by ActiveX controls?

You can handle events triggered by ActiveX controls by subscribing to the corresponding events using the EventClick (or similar) event handler. This allows you to execute specific actions in response to user interactions with the control.

Is it possible to customize the appearance of ActiveX controls?

Absolutely, you can customize the appearance of ActiveX controls using the SetProperty method provided by Aspose.Slides for .NET. This method enables you to modify various properties, such as background color, font style, and more.

Can I remove an ActiveX control from a slide?

Yes, you can remove an ActiveX control from a slide using the Remove method of the Shapes collection. Pass the reference to the IOleObjectFrame representing the control as an argument to the Remove method, and the control will be removed from the slide.