Create Bookmark In Word Document


Creating bookmarks in a Word document can be a game-changer, especially when you want to navigate through large documents effortlessly. Today, we’ll walk through the process of creating bookmarks using Aspose.Words for .NET. This tutorial will take you step by step, ensuring you understand each part of the process. So, let’s dive right in!


Before we start, you need to have the following:

  1. Aspose.Words for .NET Library: Download and install from here.
  2. Development Environment: Visual Studio or any other .NET development environment.
  3. Basic Knowledge of C#: Understanding of basic C# programming concepts.

Import Namespaces

To work with Aspose.Words for .NET, you need to import the necessary namespaces:

using Aspose.Words;
using Aspose.Words.Saving;

Step 1: Setup the Document and DocumentBuilder

Initialize the Document

First, we need to create a new document and initialize the DocumentBuilder. This is the starting point for adding content and bookmarks to your document.

// The path to the documents directory.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

Explanation: The Document object is your canvas. The DocumentBuilder is like your pen, which allows you to write content and create bookmarks in the document.

Step 2: Create the Main Bookmark

Start and End the Main Bookmark

To create a bookmark, you need to specify the start and end points. Here, we’ll create a bookmark named “My Bookmark”.

builder.StartBookmark("My Bookmark");
builder.Writeln("Text inside a bookmark.");

Explanation: The StartBookmark method marks the beginning of the bookmark, and Writeln adds text within the bookmark.

Step 3: Create a Nested Bookmark

Add Nested Bookmark Inside the Main Bookmark

You can nest bookmarks inside other bookmarks. Here, we add “Nested Bookmark” within “My Bookmark”.

builder.StartBookmark("Nested Bookmark");
builder.Writeln("Text inside a NestedBookmark.");
builder.EndBookmark("Nested Bookmark");

Explanation: Nesting bookmarks allows for more structured and hierarchical content organization. The EndBookmark method closes the current bookmark.

Step 4: Add Text Outside the Nested Bookmark

Continue Adding Content

After the nested bookmark, we can continue adding more content within the main bookmark.

builder.Writeln("Text after Nested Bookmark.");
builder.EndBookmark("My Bookmark");

Explanation: This ensures that the main bookmark encompasses both the nested bookmark and additional text.

Step 5: Configure PDF Save Options

Set Up PDF Save Options for Bookmarks

When saving the document as a PDF, we can configure options to include bookmarks.

PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();
options.OutlineOptions.BookmarksOutlineLevels.Add("My Bookmark", 1);
options.OutlineOptions.BookmarksOutlineLevels.Add("Nested Bookmark", 2);

Explanation: The PdfSaveOptions class allows you to specify how the document should be saved as a PDF. The BookmarksOutlineLevels property defines the hierarchy of the bookmarks in the PDF.

Step 6: Save the Document

Save the Document as PDF

Finally, save the document with the specified options.

doc.Save(dataDir + "WorkingWithBookmarks.CreateBookmark.pdf", options);

Explanation: The Save method saves the document in the specified format and location. The PDF will now include the bookmarks we created.


Creating bookmarks in a Word document using Aspose.Words for .NET is straightforward and immensely useful for document navigation and organization. Whether you’re generating reports, creating eBooks, or managing large documents, bookmarks make life easier. Follow the steps outlined in this tutorial, and you’ll have a bookmarked PDF ready in no time.


Can I create multiple bookmarks at different levels?

Absolutely! You can create as many bookmarks as needed and define their hierarchical levels when saving the document as a PDF.

How do I update a bookmark’s text?

You can navigate to the bookmark using DocumentBuilder.MoveToBookmark and then update the text.

Is it possible to delete a bookmark?

Yes, you can delete a bookmark using the Bookmarks.Remove method by specifying the bookmark’s name.

Can I create bookmarks in other formats besides PDF?

Yes, Aspose.Words supports bookmarks in various formats, including DOCX, HTML, and EPUB.

How can I ensure the bookmarks appear correctly in the PDF?

Make sure to define the BookmarksOutlineLevels properly in the PdfSaveOptions. This ensures the bookmarks are included in the PDF’s outline.