Vertical Anchor

This tutorial explains how to use the vertical anchor feature in Aspose.Words for .NET to position a shape vertically within a document. By setting the vertical anchor property of a shape, you can control its vertical alignment relative to the text or the page.


To follow this tutorial, you need to have the following:

  • Aspose.Words for .NET library installed.
  • Basic knowledge of C# and Words Processing with Word documents.

Step 1: Set up the Document Directory

Start by setting up the path to your document directory. Replace "YOUR DOCUMENT DIRECTORY" with the actual path to the directory where you want to save the document.


Step 2: Create a New Document and DocumentBuilder

Create a new instance of the Document class and a DocumentBuilder object to work with the document.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

Step 3: Insert and Configure a Shape

Insert a shape into the document using the InsertShape method of the DocumentBuilder object. Set the desired dimensions for the shape.

Shape textBox = builder.InsertShape(ShapeType.TextBox, 200, 200);

Step 4: Set the Vertical Anchor

Set the vertical anchor property of the shape to control its vertical alignment. In this example, we set it to “Bottom” to anchor the shape at the bottom of the text or page.

textBox.TextBox.VerticalAnchor = TextBoxAnchor.Bottom;

Step 5: Add Content to the Shape

Use the MoveTo method of the DocumentBuilder object to move the cursor to the first paragraph of the shape. Then, use the Write method to add content to the shape.

builder.Write("Textbox contents");

Step 6: Save the Document

Save the document to the specified directory using the Save method. Provide the desired filename with the appropriate file extension. In this example, we save the document as “WorkingWithShapes.VerticalAnchor.docx”.

doc.Save(dataDir + "WorkingWithShapes.VerticalAnchor.docx");

Example source code for Vertical Anchor using Aspose.Words for .NET

	// Path to your document directory 
	string dataDir = "YOUR DOCUMENT DIRECTORY";

	Document doc = new Document();
	DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
	Shape textBox = builder.InsertShape(ShapeType.TextBox, 200, 200);
	textBox.TextBox.VerticalAnchor = TextBoxAnchor.Bottom;
	builder.Write("Textbox contents");
	doc.Save(dataDir + "WorkingWithShapes.VerticalAnchor.docx");

That’s it! You have successfully used the vertical anchor feature in Aspose.Words for .NET to position a shape vertically within a document.