Aspose::Words::Drawing::Fill class
]Fill class
Represents fill formatting for an object. To learn more, visit the Working with Graphic Elements documentation article.
class Fill : public System::Object
Method | Description |
get_BackColor() | Gets a Color object that represents the background color for the fill. |
get_BackThemeColor() | Gets a ThemeColor object that represents the background color for the fill. |
get_BackTintAndShade() | Gets or sets a double value that lightens or darkens the background color. |
get_BaseForeColor() | Gets a Color object that represents the base foreground color for the fill without any modifiers. |
get_Color() | |
get_FillType() | Gets a fill type. |
get_ForeColor() | Gets or sets a Color object that represents the foreground color for the fill. |
get_ForeThemeColor() | Gets a ThemeColor object that represents the foreground color for the fill. |
get_ForeTintAndShade() | Gets or sets a double value that lightens or darkens the foreground color. |
get_GradientAngle() | Gets or sets the angle of the gradient fill. |
get_GradientStops() | Gets a collection of GradientStop objects for the fill. |
get_GradientStyle() | Gets the gradient style GradientStyle for the fill. |
get_GradientVariant() | Gets the gradient variant GradientVariant for the fill. |
get_ImageBytes() | Gets the raw bytes of the fill texture or pattern. |
get_Opacity() | Gets the degree of opacity of the specified fill as a value between 0.0 (clear) and 1.0 (opaque). |
get_Pattern() | Gets a PatternType for the fill. |
get_PresetTexture() | Gets a PresetTexture for the fill. |
get_RotateWithObject() | Gets whether the fill rotates with the specified object. |
get_TextureAlignment() | Gets or sets the alignment for tile texture fill. |
get_Transparency() | Gets the degree of transparency of the specified fill as a value between 0.0 (opaque) and 1.0 (clear). |
get_Visible() | Gets or sets value that is true if the formatting applied to this instance, is visible. |
GetType() const override | |
Is(const System::TypeInfo&) const override | |
OneColorGradient(Aspose::Words::Drawing::GradientStyle, Aspose::Words::Drawing::GradientVariant, double) | Sets the specified fill to a one-color gradient. |
OneColorGradient(System::Drawing::Color, Aspose::Words::Drawing::GradientStyle, Aspose::Words::Drawing::GradientVariant, double) | Sets the specified fill to a one-color gradient using the specified color. |
Patterned(Aspose::Words::Drawing::PatternType) | Sets the specified fill to a pattern. |
Patterned(Aspose::Words::Drawing::PatternType, System::Drawing::Color, System::Drawing::Color) | Sets the specified fill to a pattern. |
PresetTextured(Aspose::Words::Drawing::PresetTexture) | Sets the fill to a preset texture. |
set_BackColor(System::Drawing::Color) | Sets a Color object that represents the background color for the fill. |
set_BackThemeColor(Aspose::Words::Themes::ThemeColor) | Sets a ThemeColor object that represents the background color for the fill. |
set_BackTintAndShade(double) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Drawing::Fill::get_BackTintAndShade. |
set_Color(System::Drawing::Color) | |
set_ForeColor(System::Drawing::Color) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Drawing::Fill::get_ForeColor. |
set_ForeThemeColor(Aspose::Words::Themes::ThemeColor) | Sets a ThemeColor object that represents the foreground color for the fill. |
set_ForeTintAndShade(double) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Drawing::Fill::get_ForeTintAndShade. |
set_GradientAngle(double) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Drawing::Fill::get_GradientAngle. |
set_Opacity(double) | Sets the degree of opacity of the specified fill as a value between 0.0 (clear) and 1.0 (opaque). |
set_RotateWithObject(bool) | Sets whether the fill rotates with the specified object. |
set_TextureAlignment(Aspose::Words::Drawing::TextureAlignment) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Drawing::Fill::get_TextureAlignment. |
set_Transparency(double) | Sets the degree of transparency of the specified fill as a value between 0.0 (opaque) and 1.0 (clear). |
set_Visible(bool) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Drawing::Fill::get_Visible. |
SetImage(const System::String&) | Changes the fill type to single image. |
SetImage(const System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>&) | Changes the fill type to single image. |
SetImage(const System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&) | Changes the fill type to single image. |
Solid() | Sets the fill to a uniform color. |
Solid(System::Drawing::Color) | Sets the fill to a specified uniform color. |
TwoColorGradient(Aspose::Words::Drawing::GradientStyle, Aspose::Words::Drawing::GradientVariant) | Sets the specified fill to a two-color gradient. |
TwoColorGradient(System::Drawing::Color, System::Drawing::Color, Aspose::Words::Drawing::GradientStyle, Aspose::Words::Drawing::GradientVariant) | Sets the specified fill to a two-color gradient. |
static Type() |
Use the Fill or Fill property to access fill properties of an object. You do not create instances of the Fill class directly.
See Also
- Namespace Aspose::Words::Drawing
- Library Aspose.Words for C++