Aspose::Words::Notes::FootnoteSeparatorType enum

FootnoteSeparatorType enum

Specifies the type of the footnote/endnote separator.

enum class FootnoteSeparatorType


FootnoteSeparator0Separator between main text and footnote text.
FootnoteContinuationSeparator1Printed above footnote text on a page when the text must be continued from a previous page.
FootnoteContinuationNotice2Printed below footnote text on a page when footnote text must be continued on a succeeding page.
EndnoteSeparator3Separator between main text and endnote text.
EndnoteContinuationSeparator4Printed above endnote text on a page when the text must be continued from a previous page.
EndnoteContinuationNotice5Printed below endnote text on a page when endnote text must be continued on a succeeding page.

See Also