Aspose::Words::Saving::FixedPageSaveOptions::get_PageSavingCallback method
]FixedPageSaveOptions::get_PageSavingCallback method
Allows to control how separate pages are saved when a document is exported to fixed page format.
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Saving::IPageSavingCallback> Aspose::Words::Saving::FixedPageSaveOptions::get_PageSavingCallback() const
Shows how to use a callback to save a document to HTML page by page.
void PageFileNames()
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);
builder->Writeln(u"Page 1.");
builder->Writeln(u"Page 2.");
builder->InsertImage(ImageDir + u"Logo.jpg");
builder->Writeln(u"Page 3.");
// Create an "HtmlFixedSaveOptions" object, which we can pass to the document's "Save" method
// to modify how we convert the document to HTML.
auto htmlFixedSaveOptions = MakeObject<HtmlFixedSaveOptions>();
// We will save each page in this document to a separate HTML file in the local file system.
// Set a callback that allows us to name each output HTML document.
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"SavingCallback.PageFileNames.html", htmlFixedSaveOptions);
ArrayPtr<String> filePaths = System::IO::Directory::GetFiles(ArtifactsDir)
->LINQ_Where([](String s) { return s.StartsWith(ArtifactsDir + u"SavingCallback.PageFileNames.Page_"); })
ASSERT_EQ(3, filePaths->get_Length());
class CustomFileNamePageSavingCallback : public IPageSavingCallback
void PageSaving(SharedPtr<PageSavingArgs> args) override
String outFileName = String::Format(u"{0}SavingCallback.PageFileNames.Page_{1}.html", ArtifactsDir, args->get_PageIndex());
// Below are two ways of specifying where Aspose.Words will save each page of the document.
// 1 - Set a filename for the output page file:
// 2 - Create a custom stream for the output page file:
args->set_PageStream(MakeObject<System::IO::FileStream>(outFileName, System::IO::FileMode::Create));
See Also
- Interface IPageSavingCallback
- Class FixedPageSaveOptions
- Namespace Aspose::Words::Saving
- Library Aspose.Words for C++