Aspose::Words::Tables::CellFormat::get_VerticalMerge method
CellFormat::get_VerticalMerge method
Specifies how the cell is merged with other cells vertically.
Aspose::Words::Tables::CellMerge Aspose::Words::Tables::CellFormat::get_VerticalMerge()
Cells can only be merged vertically if their left and right boundaries are identical.
When cells are vertically merged, the display areas of the merged cells are consolidated. The consolidated area is used to display the contents of the first vertically merged cell and all other vertically merged cells must be empty.
Shows how to merge table cells vertically.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);
// Insert a cell into the first column of the first row.
// This cell will be the first in a range of vertically merged cells.
builder->Write(u"Text in merged cells.");
// Insert a cell into the second column of the first row, then end the row.
// Also, configure the builder to disable vertical merging in created cells.
builder->Write(u"Text in unmerged cell.");
// Insert a cell into the first column of the second row.
// Instead of adding text contents, we will merge this cell with the first cell that we added directly above.
// Insert another independent cell in the second column of the second row.
builder->Write(u"Text in unmerged cell.");
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"CellFormat.VerticalMerge.docx");
Prints the horizontal and vertical merge type of a cell.
void CheckCellsMerged()
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Table with merged cells.docx");
SharedPtr<Table> table = doc->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_Tables()->idx_get(0);
for (const auto& row : System::IterateOver(table->get_Rows()->LINQ_OfType<SharedPtr<Row>>()))
for (const auto& cell : System::IterateOver(row->get_Cells()->LINQ_OfType<SharedPtr<Cell>>()))
std::cout << PrintCellMergeType(cell) << std::endl;
String PrintCellMergeType(SharedPtr<Cell> cell)
bool isHorizontallyMerged = cell->get_CellFormat()->get_HorizontalMerge() != CellMerge::None;
bool isVerticallyMerged = cell->get_CellFormat()->get_VerticalMerge() != CellMerge::None;
String cellLocation = String::Format(u"R{0}, C{1}", cell->get_ParentRow()->get_ParentTable()->IndexOf(cell->get_ParentRow()) + 1,
cell->get_ParentRow()->IndexOf(cell) + 1);
if (isHorizontallyMerged && isVerticallyMerged)
return String::Format(u"The cell at {0} is both horizontally and vertically merged", cellLocation);
if (isHorizontallyMerged)
return String::Format(u"The cell at {0} is horizontally merged.", cellLocation);
return isVerticallyMerged ? String::Format(u"The cell at {0} is vertically merged", cellLocation)
: String::Format(u"The cell at {0} is not merged", cellLocation);
See Also
- Enum CellMerge
- Class CellFormat
- Namespace Aspose::Words::Tables
- Library Aspose.Words for C++