sign method

sign(src_stream, dst_stream, cert_holder, sign_options)

Signs source document using given CertificateHolder and SignOptions with digital signature and writes signed document to destination stream. Supported formats are: LoadFormat.DOC, LoadFormat.DOT, LoadFormat.DOCX, LoadFormat.DOTX, LoadFormat.DOCM, LoadFormat.ODT, LoadFormat.OTT.

Output will be written to the start of stream and stream size will be updated with content length.

def sign(self, src_stream: io.BytesIO, dst_stream: io.BytesIO, cert_holder: aspose.words.digitalsignatures.CertificateHolder, sign_options: aspose.words.digitalsignatures.SignOptions):
src_streamio.BytesIOThe stream which contains the document to sign.
dst_streamio.BytesIOThe stream that signed document will be written to.
cert_holderCertificateHolderCertificateHolder object with certificate that used to sign file. The certificate in holder MUST contain private keys and have the X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable flag set.
sign_optionsSignOptionsSignOptions object with various signing options.

sign(src_file_name, dst_file_name, cert_holder, sign_options)

Signs source document using given CertificateHolder and SignOptions with digital signature and writes signed document to destination file. Supported formats are: LoadFormat.DOC, LoadFormat.DOT, LoadFormat.DOCX, LoadFormat.DOTX, LoadFormat.DOCM, LoadFormat.ODT, LoadFormat.OTT.

def sign(self, src_file_name: str, dst_file_name: str, cert_holder: aspose.words.digitalsignatures.CertificateHolder, sign_options: aspose.words.digitalsignatures.SignOptions):
src_file_namestrThe file name of the document to sign.
dst_file_namestrThe file name of the signed document output.
cert_holderCertificateHolderCertificateHolder object with certificate that used to sign file. The certificate in holder MUST contain private keys and have the X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable flag set.
sign_optionsSignOptionsSignOptions object with various signing options.

sign(src_stream, dst_stream, cert_holder)

Signs source document using given CertificateHolder with digital signature and writes signed document to destination stream. Supported formats are: LoadFormat.DOC, LoadFormat.DOT, LoadFormat.DOCX, LoadFormat.DOTX, LoadFormat.DOCM, LoadFormat.ODT, LoadFormat.OTT.

Output will be written to the start of stream and stream size will be updated with content length.

def sign(self, src_stream: io.BytesIO, dst_stream: io.BytesIO, cert_holder: aspose.words.digitalsignatures.CertificateHolder):
src_streamio.BytesIOThe stream which contains the document to sign.
dst_streamio.BytesIOThe stream that signed document will be written to.
cert_holderCertificateHolderCertificateHolder object with certificate that used to sign file. The certificate in holder MUST contain private keys and have the X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable flag set.

sign(src_file_name, dst_file_name, cert_holder)

Signs source document using given CertificateHolder with digital signature and writes signed document to destination file. Supported formats are: LoadFormat.DOC, LoadFormat.DOT, LoadFormat.DOCX, LoadFormat.DOTX, LoadFormat.DOCM, LoadFormat.ODT, LoadFormat.OTT.

def sign(self, src_file_name: str, dst_file_name: str, cert_holder: aspose.words.digitalsignatures.CertificateHolder):
src_file_namestrThe file name of the document to sign.
dst_file_namestrThe file name of the signed document output.
cert_holderCertificateHolderCertificateHolder object with certificate that used to sign file. The certificate in holder MUST contain private keys and have the X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable flag set.


Shows how to digitally sign documents.

# Create an X.509 certificate from a PKCS#12 store, which should contain a private key.
certificate_holder = aw.digitalsignatures.CertificateHolder.create(MY_DIR + 'morzal.pfx', 'aw')
# Create a comment and date which will be applied with our new digital signature.
sign_options = aw.digitalsignatures.SignOptions()
sign_options.comments = 'My comment'
sign_options.sign_time =
# Take an unsigned document from the local file system via a file stream,
# then create a signed copy of it determined by the filename of the output file stream.
with open(MY_DIR + 'Document.docx', 'rb') as stream_in:
    with open(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'DigitalSignatureUtil.sign_document.docx', 'wb') as stream_out:
        aw.digitalsignatures.DigitalSignatureUtil.sign(stream_in, stream_out, certificate_holder, sign_options)

Shows how to add a signature line to a document, and then sign it using a digital certificate.

def test_sign(self):

    signee_name = "Ron Williams"
    src_document_path = MY_DIR + "Document.docx"
    dst_document_path = ARTIFACTS_DIR + "SignDocumentCustom.sign.docx"
    certificate_path = MY_DIR + "morzal.pfx"
    certificate_password = "aw"

    for signee_info in self._create_signees():
        if == signee_name:
            self._sign_document(src_document_path, dst_document_path, signee_info, certificate_path, certificate_password)
        raise Exception("Signee does not exist.")

def _sign_document(self, src_document_path: str, dst_document_path: str,
    signee_info, certificate_path: str, certificate_password: str):
    """Creates a copy of a source document signed using provided signee information and X509 certificate."""

    document = aw.Document(src_document_path)
    builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(document)

    # Configure and insert a signature line, an object in the document that will display a signature that we sign it with.
    signature_line_options = aw.SignatureLineOptions()
    signature_line_options.signer =
    signature_line_options.signer_title = signee_info.position

    signature_line = builder.insert_signature_line(signature_line_options).signature_line = signee_info.person_id

    # First, we will save an unsigned version of our document.

    certificate_holder = aw.digitalsignatures.CertificateHolder.create(certificate_path, certificate_password)

    sign_options = aw.digitalsignatures.SignOptions()
    sign_options.signature_line_id = signee_info.person_id
    sign_options.signature_line_image = signee_info.image

    # Overwrite the unsigned document we saved above with a version signed using the certificate.
    aw.digitalsignatures.DigitalSignatureUtil.sign(dst_document_path, dst_document_path, certificate_holder, sign_options)

def _image_to_byte_array(self, image_in: drawing.Image) -> bytes:
    """Converts an image to a byte array."""

    with io.BytesIO() as stream:, drawing.imaging.ImageFormat.png)
        return bytes(stream.getbuffer())

class Signee:

    def __init__(self, guid: uuid.UUID, name: str, position: str, image: bytes):
        self.person_id = guid = name
        self.position = position
        self.image = image

def _create_signees(self):

    return [
        ExSignDocumentCustom.Signee(uuid.uuid4(), "Ron Williams", "Chief Executive Officer",
            self._image_to_byte_array(drawing.Image.from_file(IMAGE_DIR + "Logo.jpg"))),
        ExSignDocumentCustom.Signee(uuid.uuid4(), "Stephen Morse", "Head of Compliance",
            self._image_to_byte_array(drawing.Image.from_file(IMAGE_DIR + "Logo.jpg")))

Shows how to sign documents with X.509 certificates.

# Verify that a document is not signed.
self.assertFalse(aw.FileFormatUtil.detect_file_format(MY_DIR + 'Document.docx').has_digital_signature)
# Create a CertificateHolder object from a PKCS12 file, which we will use to sign the document.
certificate_holder = aw.digitalsignatures.CertificateHolder.create(MY_DIR + 'morzal.pfx', 'aw', None)
# There are two ways of saving a signed copy of a document to the local file system:
# 1 - Designate a document by a local system filename and save a signed copy at a location specified by another filename.
sign_options = aw.digitalsignatures.SignOptions()
sign_options.sign_time = datetime.utcnow()
aw.digitalsignatures.DigitalSignatureUtil.sign(MY_DIR + 'Document.docx', ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Document.digital_signature.docx', certificate_holder, sign_options)
self.assertTrue(aw.FileFormatUtil.detect_file_format(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Document.digital_signature.docx').has_digital_signature)
# 2 - Take a document from a stream and save a signed copy to another stream.
with open(MY_DIR + 'Document.docx', 'rb') as in_doc:
    with open(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Document.digital_signature.docx', 'wb') as out_doc:
        aw.digitalsignatures.DigitalSignatureUtil.sign(in_doc, out_doc, certificate_holder)
self.assertTrue(aw.FileFormatUtil.detect_file_format(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Document.digital_signature.docx').has_digital_signature)
# Please verify that all of the document's digital signatures are valid and check their details.
signed_doc = aw.Document(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Document.digital_signature.docx')
digital_signature_collection = signed_doc.digital_signatures
self.assertEqual(1, digital_signature_collection.count)
self.assertEqual(aw.digitalsignatures.DigitalSignatureType.XML_DSIG, digital_signature_collection[0].signature_type)
self.assertEqual('CN=Morzal.Me', signed_doc.digital_signatures[0].issuer_name)
self.assertEqual('CN=Morzal.Me', signed_doc.digital_signatures[0].subject_name)

See Also