AxisBuiltInUnit enumeration

AxisBuiltInUnit enumeration

Specifies the display units for an axis.


NONESpecifies the values on the chart shall displayed as is.
CUSTOMSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by a user-defined divisor. This value is not supported by the new chart types of MS Office 2016.
BILLIONSSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000,000.
HUNDRED_MILLIONSSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100,000,000.
HUNDREDSSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100.
HUNDRED_THOUSANDSSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100,000.
MILLIONSSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000.
TEN_MILLIONSSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 10,000,000.
TEN_THOUSANDSSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 10,000.
THOUSANDSSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000.
TRILLIONSSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000,000,0000.
PERCENTAGESpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 0.01. This value is supported only by the new chart types of MS Office 2016.


Shows how to manipulate the tick marks and displayed values of a chart axis.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc)
shape = builder.insert_chart(chart_type=aw.drawing.charts.ChartType.SCATTER, width=450, height=250)
chart = shape.chart
self.assertEqual(1, chart.series.count)
self.assertEqual('Y-Values', chart.series[0].name)
# Set the minor tick marks of the Y-axis to point away from the plot area,
# and the major tick marks to cross the axis.
axis = chart.axis_y
axis.major_tick_mark = aw.drawing.charts.AxisTickMark.CROSS
axis.minor_tick_mark = aw.drawing.charts.AxisTickMark.OUTSIDE
# Set they Y-axis to show a major tick every 10 units, and a minor tick every 1 unit.
axis.major_unit = 10
axis.minor_unit = 1
# Set the Y-axis bounds to -10 and 20.
# This Y-axis will now display 4 major tick marks and 27 minor tick marks.
axis.scaling.minimum = aw.drawing.charts.AxisBound(value=-10)
axis.scaling.maximum = aw.drawing.charts.AxisBound(value=20)
# For the X-axis, set the major tick marks at every 10 units,
# every minor tick mark at 2.5 units.
axis = chart.axis_x
axis.major_unit = 10
axis.minor_unit = 2.5
# Configure both types of tick marks to appear inside the graph plot area.
axis.major_tick_mark = aw.drawing.charts.AxisTickMark.INSIDE
axis.minor_tick_mark = aw.drawing.charts.AxisTickMark.INSIDE
# Set the X-axis bounds so that the X-axis spans 5 major tick marks and 12 minor tick marks.
axis.scaling.minimum = aw.drawing.charts.AxisBound(value=-10)
axis.scaling.maximum = aw.drawing.charts.AxisBound(value=30)
axis.tick_labels.alignment = aw.ParagraphAlignment.RIGHT
self.assertEqual(1, axis.tick_labels.spacing)
self.assertEqual(doc, axis.display_unit.document)
# Set the tick labels to display their value in millions.
axis.display_unit.unit = aw.drawing.charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.MILLIONS
# We can set a more specific value by which tick labels will display their values.
# This statement is equivalent to the one above.
axis.display_unit.custom_unit = 1000000 + 'Charts.AxisDisplayUnit.docx')

See Also