AxisCrosses enumeration

AxisCrosses enumeration

Specifies the possible crossing points for an axis.


AUTOMATICThe category axis crosses at the zero point of the value axis (if possible), or at the minimum value if the minimum is greater than zero, or at the maximum if the maximum is less than zero.
MAXIMUMA perpendicular axis crosses at the maximum value of the axis.
MINIMUMA perpendicular axis crosses at the minimum value of the axis.
CUSTOMA perpendicular axis crosses at the specified value of the axis.


Shows how to insert a chart and modify the appearance of its axes.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc)
shape = builder.insert_chart(chart_type=aw.drawing.charts.ChartType.COLUMN, width=500, height=300)
chart = shape.chart
# Clear the chart's demo data series to start with a clean chart.
# Insert a chart series with categories for the X-axis and respective numeric values for the Y-axis.
chart.series.add(series_name='Aspose Test Series', categories=['Word', 'PDF', 'Excel', 'GoogleDocs', 'Note'], values=[640, 320, 280, 120, 150])
# Chart axes have various options that can change their appearance,
# such as their direction, major/minor unit ticks, and tick marks.
x_axis = chart.axis_x
x_axis.category_type = aw.drawing.charts.AxisCategoryType.CATEGORY
x_axis.crosses = aw.drawing.charts.AxisCrosses.MINIMUM
x_axis.reverse_order = False
x_axis.major_tick_mark = aw.drawing.charts.AxisTickMark.INSIDE
x_axis.minor_tick_mark = aw.drawing.charts.AxisTickMark.CROSS
x_axis.major_unit = 10
x_axis.minor_unit = 15
x_axis.tick_labels.offset = 50
x_axis.tick_labels.position = aw.drawing.charts.AxisTickLabelPosition.LOW
x_axis.tick_labels.is_auto_spacing = False
x_axis.tick_mark_spacing = 1
self.assertEqual(doc, x_axis.document)
y_axis = chart.axis_y
y_axis.category_type = aw.drawing.charts.AxisCategoryType.AUTOMATIC
y_axis.crosses = aw.drawing.charts.AxisCrosses.MAXIMUM
y_axis.reverse_order = True
y_axis.major_tick_mark = aw.drawing.charts.AxisTickMark.INSIDE
y_axis.minor_tick_mark = aw.drawing.charts.AxisTickMark.CROSS
y_axis.major_unit = 100
y_axis.minor_unit = 20
y_axis.tick_labels.position = aw.drawing.charts.AxisTickLabelPosition.NEXT_TO_AXIS
y_axis.tick_labels.alignment = aw.ParagraphAlignment.CENTER
y_axis.tick_labels.font.color =
y_axis.tick_labels.spacing = 1
# Column charts do not have a Z-axis.
self.assertIsNone(chart.axis_z) + 'Charts.AxisProperties.docx')

See Also