ChartTitle class

ChartTitle class

Provides access to the chart title properties. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.


fontProvides access to the font formatting of the chart title.
formatProvides access to fill and line formatting of the chart title.
overlayDetermines whether other chart elements shall be allowed to overlap title. By default overlay is False.
showDetermines whether the title shall be shown for this chart. Default value is True.
textGets or sets the text of the chart title. If None or empty value is specified, auto generated title will be shown.


Shows how to insert a chart and set a title.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
# Insert a chart shape with a document builder and get its chart.
chart_shape = builder.insert_chart(chart_type=aw.drawing.charts.ChartType.BAR, width=400, height=300)
chart = chart_shape.chart
# Use the "Title" property to give our chart a title, which appears at the top center of the chart area.
title = chart.title
title.text = 'My Chart'
title.font.size = 15
title.font.color =
# Set the "Show" property to "true" to make the title visible. = True
# Set the "Overlay" property to "true" Give other chart elements more room by allowing them to overlap the title
title.overlay = True + 'Charts.ChartTitle.docx')

See Also