Frameset class

Frameset class

Represents a frames page or a single frame on a frames page. To learn more, visit the Programming with Documents documentation article.


If the Frameset.child_framesets property contains items, this instance is a frames page, otherwise it is a single frame.


Frameset()The default constructor.


child_framesetsGets the collection of child frames and frames pages.
frame_default_urlGets or sets the web page URL or document file name to display in this frame.
is_frame_link_to_fileGets or sets a value indicating whether the web page or document file name specified in the Frameset.frame_default_url property is an external resource the frame is linked with.


Shows how to access frames on-page.

# Document contains several frames with links to other documents.
doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + 'Frameset.docx')
# We can check the default URL (a web page URL or local document) or if the frame is an external resource.
self.assertEqual('', doc.frameset.child_framesets[0].child_framesets[0].frame_default_url)
self.assertEqual('Document.docx', doc.frameset.child_framesets[1].frame_default_url)
# Change properties for one of our frames.
doc.frameset.child_framesets[0].child_framesets[0].frame_default_url = ''
doc.frameset.child_framesets[0].child_framesets[0].is_frame_link_to_file = False

See Also