RtfLoadOptions class

RtfLoadOptions class

Allows to specify additional options when loading LoadFormat.RTF document into a Document object. To learn more, visit the Specify Load Options documentation article.

Inheritance: RtfLoadOptionsLoadOptions


RtfLoadOptions()Initializes a new instance of this class with default values.


base_uriGets or sets the string that will be used to resolve relative URIs found in the document into absolute URIs when required. Can be None or empty string. Default is None.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
convert_metafiles_to_pngGets or sets whether to convert metafile(Wmf or Emf) images to Png image format.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
convert_shape_to_office_mathGets or sets whether to convert shapes with EquationXML to Office Math objects.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
encodingGets or sets the encoding that will be used to load an HTML, TXT, or CHM document if the encoding is not specified inside the document. Can be None. Default is None.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
font_settingsAllows to specify document font settings.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
ignore_ole_dataSpecifies whether to ignore the OLE data.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
language_preferencesGets language preferences that will be used when document is loading.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
load_formatSpecifies the format of the document to be loaded. Default is LoadFormat.AUTO.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
msw_versionAllows to specify that the document loading process should match a specific MS Word version. Default value is MsWordVersion.WORD2019
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
passwordGets or sets the password for opening an encrypted document. Can be None or empty string. Default is None.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
preserve_include_picture_fieldGets or sets whether to preserve the INCLUDEPICTURE field when reading Microsoft Word formats. The default value is False.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
progress_callbackCalled during loading a document and accepts data about loading progress.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
recognize_utf8_textWhen set to True, will try to detect UTF8 characters, they will be preserved during import.
resource_loading_callbackAllows to control how external resources (images, style sheets) are loaded when a document is imported from HTML, MHTML.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
temp_folderAllows to use temporary files when reading document. By default this property is None and no temporary files are used.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
update_dirty_fieldsSpecifies whether to update the fields with the dirty attribute.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
use_system_lcidGets or sets whether to use LCID value obtained from Windows registry to determine page setup default margins.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)
warning_callbackCalled during a load operation, when an issue is detected that might result in data or formatting fidelity loss.
(Inherited from LoadOptions)


Shows how to detect UTF-8 characters while loading an RTF document.

# Create an "RtfLoadOptions" object to modify how we load an RTF document.
load_options = aw.loading.RtfLoadOptions()
# Set the "recognize_utf8_text" property to "False" to assume that the document uses the ISO 8859-1 charset
# and loads every character in the document.
# Set the "recognize_utf8_text" property to "True" to parse any variable-length characters that may occur in the text.
load_options.recognize_utf8_text = recognize_utf8_text
doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + 'UTF-8 characters.rtf', load_options)
if recognize_utf8_text:
    self.assertEqual('“John Doe´s list of currency symbols”™\r' + '€, ¢, £, ¥, ¤', doc.first_section.body.get_text().strip())
    self.assertEqual('“John Doe´s list of currency symbolsâ€\x9dâ„¢\r' + '€, ¢, £, Â¥, ¤', doc.first_section.body.get_text().strip())

See Also