SplitCriteria enumeration

SplitCriteria enumeration

Specifies how the document is split into parts.


PAGESpecifies that the document is split into pages.
SECTION_BREAKSpecifies that the document is split into parts at a section break of any type.
STYLESpecifies that the document is split into parts at a paragraph formatted using the style specified in SplitOptions.split_style.


Shows how to split document by pages.

doc = MY_DIR + 'Big document.docx'
options = aw.lowcode.SplitOptions()
options.split_criteria = aw.lowcode.SplitCriteria.PAGE
aw.lowcode.Splitter.split(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.SplitDocument.1.docx', options=options)
aw.lowcode.Splitter.split(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.SplitDocument.2.docx', save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, options=options)

See Also