SdtListItem class

SdtListItem class

This element specifies a single list item within a parent SdtType.COMBO_BOX or SdtType.DROP_DOWN_LIST structured document tag. To learn more, visit the Structured Document Tags or Content Control documentation article.


SdtListItem(display_text, value)Initializes a new instance of this class.
SdtListItem(value)Initializes a new instance of this class.


display_textGets the text to display in the run content in place of the SdtListItem.value attribute contents for this list item.
valueGets the value of this list item.


Shows how to work with drop down-list structured document tags.

doc = aw.Document()
tag = aw.markup.StructuredDocumentTag(doc, aw.markup.SdtType.DROP_DOWN_LIST, aw.markup.MarkupLevel.BLOCK)
# A drop-down list structured document tag is a form that allows the user to
# select an option from a list by left-clicking and opening the form in Microsoft Word.
# The "list_items" property contains all list items, and each list item is an "SdtListItem".
list_items = tag.list_items
list_items.add(aw.markup.SdtListItem('Value 1'))
self.assertEqual(list_items[0].display_text, list_items[0].value)
# Add 3 more list items. Initialize these items using a different constructor to the first item
# to display strings that are different from their values.
list_items.add(aw.markup.SdtListItem('Item 2', 'Value 2'))
list_items.add(aw.markup.SdtListItem('Item 3', 'Value 3'))
list_items.add(aw.markup.SdtListItem('Item 4', 'Value 4'))
self.assertEqual(4, list_items.count)
# The drop-down list is displaying the first item. Assign a different list item to the "selected_value" to display it.
list_items.selected_value = list_items[3]
self.assertEqual('Value 4', list_items.selected_value.value)
# Enumerate over the collection and print each element.
for item in list_items:
    if item is not None:
        print(f'List item: {item.display_text}, value: {item.value}')
# Remove the last list item.
self.assertEqual(3, list_items.count)
# Since our drop-down control is set to display the removed item by default, give it an item to display which exists.
list_items.selected_value = list_items[1] + 'StructuredDocumentTag.list_item_collection.docx')
# Use the "clear" method to empty the entire drop-down item collection at once.
self.assertEqual(0, list_items.count)

See Also