XmlMapping class
XmlMapping class
Specifies the information that is used to establish a mapping between the parent structured document tag and an XML element stored within a custom XML data part in the document. To learn more, visit the Structured Document Tags or Content Control documentation article.
Name | Description |
custom_xml_part | Returns the custom XML data part to which the parent structured document tag is mapped. |
is_mapped | Returns True if the parent structured document tag is successfully mapped to XML data. |
prefix_mappings | Returns XML namespace prefix mappings to evaluate the XmlMapping.xpath. |
store_item_id | Specifies the custom XML data identifier for the custom XML data part which shall be used to evaluate the XmlMapping.xpath expression. |
xpath | Returns the XPath expression, which is evaluated to find the custom XML node that is mapped to the parent structured document tag. |
Name | Description |
delete() | Deletes mapping of the parent structured document to XML data. |
set_mapping(custom_xml_part, x_path, prefix_mapping) | Sets a mapping between the parent structured document tag and an XML node of a custom XML data part. |
Shows how to set XML mappings for custom XML parts.
doc = aw.Document()
# Construct an XML part that contains text and add it to the document's CustomXmlPart collection.
xml_part_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
xml_part_content = '<root><text>Text element #1</text><text>Text element #2</text></root>'
xml_part = doc.custom_xml_parts.add(xml_part_id, xml_part_content)
self.assertEqual('<root><text>Text element #1</text><text>Text element #2</text></root>', xml_part.data.decode('utf-8'))
# Create a structured document tag that will display the contents of our CustomXmlPart.
tag = aw.markup.StructuredDocumentTag(doc, aw.markup.SdtType.PLAIN_TEXT, aw.markup.MarkupLevel.BLOCK)
# Set a mapping for our structured document tag. This mapping will instruct
# our structured document tag to display a portion of the XML part's text contents that the XPath points to.
# In this case, it will be contents of the the second "<text>" element of the first "<root>" element: "Text element #2".
tag.xml_mapping.set_mapping(xml_part, '/root[1]/text[2]', "xmlns:ns='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'")
self.assertEqual(xml_part, tag.xml_mapping.custom_xml_part)
self.assertEqual('/root[1]/text[2]', tag.xml_mapping.xpath)
self.assertEqual("xmlns:ns='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'", tag.xml_mapping.prefix_mappings)
# Add the structured document tag to the document to display the content from our custom part.
doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'StructuredDocumentTag.xml_mapping.docx')
See Also
- module aspose.words.markup