MailMergeMainDocumentType enumeration

MailMergeMainDocumentType enumeration

Specifies the possible types for a mail merge source document.


NOT_A_MERGE_DOCUMENTThis document is not a mail merge document.
FORM_LETTERSSpecifies that the mail merge source document is of the form letter type.
MAILING_LABELSSpecifies that the mail merge source document is of the mailing label type.
ENVELOPESSpecifies that the mail merge source document is of the envelope type.
CATALOGSpecifies that the mail merge source document is of the catalog type.
EMAILSpecifies that the mail merge source document is of the e-mail message type.
FAXSpecifies that the mail merge source document is of the fax type.
DEFAULTEquals to MailMergeMainDocumentType.NOT_A_MERGE_DOCUMENT

See Also