display_background_shape property

ViewOptions.display_background_shape property

Controls display of the background shape in print layout view.

def display_background_shape(self) -> bool:

def display_background_shape(self, value: bool):


Shows how to hide/display document background images in view options.

# Use an HTML string to create a new document with a flat background color.
html = "\n                    <html>\n                        <body style='background-color: blue'>\n                            <p>Hello world!</p>\n                        </body>\n                    </html>"
doc = aw.Document(io.BytesIO(html.encode('utf-8')))
# The source for the document has a flat color background,
# the presence of which will set the "display_background_shape" flag to "True".
# Keep the "display_background_shape" as "True" to get the document to display the background color.
# This may affect some text colors to improve visibility.
# Set the "display_background_shape" to "False" to not display the background color.
doc.view_options.display_background_shape = display_background_shape
doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'ViewOptions.display_background_shape.docx')

See Also