Address | Address of creditor or debtor. |
AlternativeScheme | Alternative payment scheme instructions. |
ComplexBarcodeGenerator | ComplexBarcodeGenerator for backend complex barcode (e.g. SwissQR) images generation. |
ComplexCodetextReader | ComplexCodetextReader decodes codetext to specified complex barcode type. |
HIBCLICCombinedCodetext | Class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the HIBC LIC code which stores primary and secodary data. |
HIBCLICComplexCodetext | Base class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the HIBC LIC code. |
HIBCLICPrimaryDataCodetext | Class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the HIBC LIC code which stores primary data. |
HIBCLICSecondaryAndAdditionalDataCodetext | Class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the HIBC LIC code which stores seconday data. |
HIBCPASCodetext | Class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the HIBC PAS code. |
HIBCPASRecord | Class for storing HIBC PAS record. |
IComplexCodetext | Interface for complex codetext used with ComplexBarcodeGenerator. |
Mailmark2DCodetext | Class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the Royal Mail 2D Mailmark code. |
MailmarkCodetext | Class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the 4-state Royal Mailmark code. |
MaxiCodeCodetext | Base class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the MaxiCode code. |
MaxiCodeCodetextMode2 | Class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the MaxiCode code for modes 2. |
MaxiCodeCodetextMode3 | Class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the MaxiCode code for modes 3. |
MaxiCodeSecondMessage | Base class for encoding and decoding second message for MaxiCode barcode. |
MaxiCodeStandardCodetext | Class for encoding and decoding MaxiCode codetext for modes 4, 5 and 6. |
MaxiCodeStandartSecondMessage | Class for encoding and decoding standart second message for MaxiCode barcode. |
MaxiCodeStructuredCodetext | Base class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the MaxiCode code for modes 2 and 3. |
MaxiCodeStructuredSecondMessage | Class for encoding and decoding structured second message for MaxiCode barcode. |
PrimaryData | Class for storing HIBC LIC primary data. |
SecondaryAndAdditionalData | Class for storing HIBC LIC secondary and additional data. |
SwissQRBill | SwissQR bill data. |
SwissQRCodetext | Class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the SwissQR code. |