CadGeoData class

CadGeoData class

Class describing GeoData object.

Inheritance: CadGeoDataCadBaseObjectCadBaseOwnedCadBase

The CadGeoData type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the CadGeoData class.


embedded_objects_containerGets or sets the embedded objects container.
object_handleGets or sets the object handle.
xdata_containerGets or sets the xdata container.
attributesGets or sets the attributes.
application_codes_containerGets or sets the application defined codes container.
attribute_102_valuesGets or sets the attribute102 values.
numreactorsThe Numreactors
reactorsGet or sets the reactors handle
hard_ownerGets or sets the hard owner.
soft_ownerGets or sets the soft owner.
is_soft_owner_setGets a value indicating whether soft owner is set.
type_nameGets the name of the type.
child_objectsGets or sets the child objects.
object_versionGets or sets the object version.
design_coordinates_typeGets or sets the type of the design coordinates.
host_block_table_recordGets or sets the host block table record.
design_pointGets or sets the design point.
coordinate_system_coordinates_reference_pointGets or sets the coordinate system coordinates reference point.
north_direction_vectorGets or sets the north direction vector.
horizontal_unit_scaleGets or sets the horizontal unit scale.
vertical_unit_scaleGets or sets the vertical unit scale.
horizontal_units_per_units_value_enumerationGets or sets the horizontal units per units value enumeration.
vertical_units_per_units_value_enumerationGets or sets the vertical units per units value enumeration.
up_directionGets or sets up direction.
scale_estimation_methodGets or sets the scale estimation method.
bool_flag_specifyingGets or sets the bool flag specifying.
user_specified_scale_factorGets or sets the user specified scale factor.
sea_level_elevationGets or sets the sea level elevation.
coordinate_projection_radiusGets or sets the coordinate projection radius.
coordinate_system_definition_stringGets or sets the coordinate system definition string.
geo_rss_tagGets or sets the geo RSS tag.
observation_from_tagGets or sets the observation from tag.
observation_to_tagGets or sets the observation to tag.
observation_coverage_tagGets or sets the observation coverage tag.
geo_mesh_points_numberGets or sets the geo mesh points number.
source_mesh_pointsGets or sets the source mesh points.
destination_mesh_pointsGets or sets the destination mesh points.
faces_numberGets or sets the faces number.
face_point_indexes1Gets or sets the face point indexes1.
face_point_indexes2Gets or sets the face point indexes2.
face_point_indexes3Gets or sets the face point indexes3.

See Also