CadMaterial class

CadMaterial class

Class describing CadMaterial

Inheritance: CadMaterialCadBaseObjectCadBaseOwnedCadBase

The CadMaterial type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the CadMaterial class.


embedded_objects_containerGets or sets the embedded objects container.
object_handleGets or sets the object handle.
xdata_containerGets or sets the xdata container.
attributesGets or sets the attributes.
application_codes_containerGets or sets the application defined codes container.
attribute_102_valuesGets or sets the attribute102 values.
numreactorsThe Numreactors
reactorsGet or sets the reactors handle
hard_ownerGets or sets the hard owner.
soft_ownerGets or sets the soft owner.
is_soft_owner_setGets a value indicating whether soft owner is set.
type_nameGets the name of the type.
child_objectsGets or sets the child objects.
material_nameGets or sets the name of the material.
descriptionGets or sets the description.
ambient_color_methodGets or sets the ambient color method.
ambient_color_factorGets or sets the ambient color factor.
ambient_color_valueGets or sets the ambient color value.
diffuse_color_methodGets or sets the diffuse color method.
diffuse_color_factorGets or sets the diffuse color factor.
diffuse_color_valueGets or sets the diffuse color value.
diffuse_map_blend_factorGets or sets the diffuse map blend factor.
diffuse_map_sourceGets or sets the diffuse map source.
diffuse_map_file_nameGets or sets the name of the diffuse map file.
diffuse_map_mapper_projection_methodGets or sets the diffuse map mapper projection method.
tiling_methodGets or sets the tiling method.
auto_transform_methodGets or sets the automatic transform method.
diffuse_transform_matrixGets or sets the diffuse transform matrix.
specular_gloss_factorGets or sets the specular gloss factor.
specular_color_methodGets or sets the specular color method.
specular_color_factorGets or sets the specular color factor.
specular_color_valueGets or sets the specular color value.
specular_map_blend_factorGets or sets the specular map blend factor.
specular_map_sourceGets or sets the specular map source.
specular_map_file_nameGets or sets the name of the specular map file.
specular_map_mapper_projection_methodGets or sets the specular map mapper projection method.
specular_map_mapper_tiling_methodGets or sets the specular map mapper tiling method.
specular_map_mapper_auto_transform_methodGets or sets the specular map mapper automatic transform method.
specular_map_mapper_transform_matrixGets or sets the specular map mapper transform matrix.
reflection_map_blend_factorGets or sets the reflection map blend factor.
reflection_map_sourceGets or sets the reflection map source.
reflection_map_file_nameGets or sets the name of the reflection map file.
reflection_map_mapper_projection_methodGets or sets the reflection map mapper projection method.
reflection_map_mapper_tiling_methodGets or sets the reflection map mapper tiling method.
reflection_map_mapper_auto_transform_methodGets or sets the reflection map mapper automatic transform method.
reflection_map_mapper_transform_matrixGets or sets the reflection map mapper transform matrix.
opacity_percentGets or sets the opacity percent.
opacity_map_blend_factorGets or sets the opacity map blend factor.
opacity_map_sourceGets or sets the opacity map source.
opacity_map_file_nameGets or sets the name of the opacity map file.
opacity_map_mapper_projection_methodGets or sets the opacity map mapper projection method.
opacity_map_mapper_tiling_methodGets or sets the opacity map mapper tiling method.
opacity_map_mapper_auto_transform_methodGets or sets the opacity map mapper automatic transform method.
opacity_map_mapper_transform_matrixGets or sets the opacity map mapper transform matrix.
bump_map_blend_factorGets or sets the bump map blend factor.
bump_map_sourceGets or sets the bump map source.
bump_map_file_nameGets or sets the name of the bump map file.
bump_map_mapper_projection_methodGets or sets the bump map mapper projection method.
bump_map_mapper_tiling_methodGets or sets the bump map mapper tiling method.
bump_map_mapper_auto_transform_methodGets or sets the bump map mapper automatic transform method.
bump_map_mapper_transform_matrixGets or sets the bump map mapper transform matrix.
refraction_indexGets or sets the index of the refraction.
refraction_map_blend_factorGets or sets the refraction map blend factor.
refraction_map_sourceGets or sets the refraction map source.
refraction_map_file_nameGets or sets the name of the refraction map file.
refraction_map_mapper_projection_methodGets or sets the refraction map mapper projection method.
refraction_map_mapper_tiling_methodGets or sets the refraction map mapper tiling method.
refraction_map_mapper_auto_transform_methodGets or sets the refraction map mapper automatic transform method.
refraction_map_mapper_transform_matrixGets or sets the refraction map mapper transform matrix.
color_bleed_scaleGets or sets the color bleed scale.
indirect_dump_scaleGets or sets the indirect dump scale.
reflectance_scaleGets or sets the reflectance scale.
transmittance_scaleGets or sets the transmittance scale.
two_sided_materialGets or sets the two sided material.
luminanceGets or sets the luminance.
luminance_modeGets or sets the luminance mode.
normal_map_methodGets or sets the normal map method.
normal_map_strengthGets or sets the normal map strength.
normal_map_blend_factorGets or sets the normal map blend factor.
normal_map_sourceGets or sets the normal map source.
normal_map_source_file_nameGets or sets the name of the normal map source file.
normal_mapper_projectionGets or sets the normal mapper projection.
normal_mapper_tilingGets or sets the normal mapper tiling.
normal_mapper_auto_transformGets or sets the normal mapper automatic transform.
normal_mapper_transformGets or sets the normal mapper transform.
materials_anonymousGets or sets the materials anonymous.
global_illumination_modeGets or sets the global illumination mode.
final_gather_modeGets or sets the final gather mode.
gen_proc_nameGets or sets the name of the gen proc.
gen_proc_val_boolGets or sets the gen proc value bool.
gen_proc_val_intGets or sets the gen proc value int.
gen_proc_val_realGets or sets the gen proc value real.
gen_proc_val_textGets or sets the gen proc value text.
gen_proc_table_endGets or sets the gen proc table end.
gen_proc_val_color_indexGets or sets the index of the gen proc value color.
gen_proc_val_color_rgbGets or sets the gen proc value color RGB.
gen_proc_val_color_nameGets or sets the name of the gen proc value color.
map_u_tileGets or sets the map u tile.
translucenceGets or sets the translucence.
self_illuminatonGets or sets the self illuminaton.
reflectivityGets or sets the reflectivity.
illumination_modelGets or sets the illumination model.
channel_flagsGets or sets the channel flags.
attribute282Gets or sets the 282 attribute.

See Also