CadRasterImageDef class

CadRasterImageDef class

The Cad aster image definition object.

Inheritance: CadRasterImageDefCadBaseObjectCadBaseOwnedCadBase

The CadRasterImageDef type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the CadRasterImageDef class.


embedded_objects_containerGets or sets the embedded objects container.
object_handleGets or sets the object handle.
xdata_containerGets or sets the xdata container.
attributesGets or sets the attributes.
application_codes_containerGets or sets the application defined codes container.
attribute_102_valuesGets or sets the attribute102 values.
numreactorsThe Numreactors
reactorsGet or sets the reactors handle
hard_ownerGets or sets the hard owner.
soft_ownerGets or sets the soft owner.
is_soft_owner_setGets a value indicating whether soft owner is set.
type_nameGets the name of the type.
child_objectsGets or sets the child objects.
image_is_loaded_flagGets or sets the image is loaded flag.
file_nameGets or sets name of a file.
class_versionGets or sets the class version.
resolution_unitsGets or sets resolution units.
image_size_uGets or sets image size U.
image_size_vGets or sets image size V.
default_size_1_pixel_uGets or sets default size on one pixel U.
default_size_1_pixel_vGets or sets default size on one pixel V.

See Also