CadDimensionDictionary class

CadDimensionDictionary class

Dimension styles dictionary.

Inheritance: CadDimensionDictionaryNonGenericDictionary

The CadDimensionDictionary type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the CadDimensionDictionary class.


is_fixed_sizeGets a value indicating whether the
IDictionary object has a fixed size.
is_read_onlyGets a value indicating whether the
IDictionary object is read-only.
keysGets an
ICollection object containing the keys of the
IDictionary object.
valuesGets an
ICollection object containing the values in the
IDictionary object.
keys_typedGets the strongly typed collection of keys.
values_typedGets the strongly typed values collection.
cad_symbol_table_group_codesGets or sets the cad symbol table group codes.


removeRemoves the CadDimensionStyleTable with the specified key.
removeRemoves the element with the specified key from the
IDictionary object.
addAdds a CadDimensionStyleTable to the dictionary.
addAdds an element with the provided key and value to the
IDictionary object.
clearRemoves all elements from the
IDictionary object.
contains_keyDetermines whether CadDimensionStyleTable contained within this dictionary.
try_get_valueGets the value associated with the specified key.
cloneClones the dictionary.

See Also