Fill class

Fill class

Contains the current fill formatting values for the shape and the shape’s drop shadow, including pattern, foreground color, and background color.

The Fill type exposes the following members:


fill_foregndSpecifies the color used for the foreground (stroke) of the shape’s fill pattern.
gradient_fillContains the current gradient fill formatting values for the shape
fill_bkgndSpecifies the color used for the background of the shape’s fill pattern.
fill_patternSpecifies the fill pattern for the shape.
shdw_foregndSpecifies the color used for the foreground (stroke) of the shape’s drop shadow fill pattern.
shdw_bkgndSpecifies the color used for the background (fill) of the shape’s drop shadow fill pattern.
shdw_patternSpecifies the fill pattern for a shape’s shadow.
fill_foregnd_transSpecifies the transparency level for the foreground (fill) color of the shape’s fill pattern, from 0 (completely opaque) to 1 (completely transparent).
fill_bkgnd_transSpecifies the transparency level for the background (fill) color of the shape’s fill pattern, from 0 (completely opaque) to 1 (completely transparent).
shdw_foregnd_transSpecifies transparency level for the foreground (stroke) of the shape’s drop shadow fill pattern, from 0.0 (completely opaque) to 1.0 (completely transparent).
shdw_bkgnd_transSpecifies transparency level for the background (fill) of the shape’s drop shadow fill pattern, from 0.0 (completely opaque) to 1.0 (completely transparent).
shape_shdw_typeSpecifies the type of shadow for a shape.
shape_shdw_showSpecifies the type of shadow for a shape.
shape_shdw_offset_xDetermines the distance in page units that a shape’s shadow is offset horizontally from the shape.
shape_shdw_offset_yDetermines the distance in page units that a shape’s shadow is offset vertically from the shape.
shape_shdw_oblique_angleSpecifies the angle of oblique direction of a shape’s shadow.
shape_shdw_scale_factorSpecifies the percentage by which the shadow of a shape can be enlarged or reduced.
shape_shdw_blurSpecifies the shadow blur size of a shape.
cannot draw blur now, but can parse from vsdx now.


clone()Creates deep copy of this instance.

See Also