Clone() | Creates an exact copy of this Matrix. |
Dispose() | Releases all resources used by this Matrix. |
Invert() | Inverts this Matrix, if it is invertible. |
Multiply(Matrix) | Multiplies this Matrix by the matrix specified in the matrix parameter, by prepending the specified Matrix. |
Multiply(Matrix, MatrixOrder) | Multiplies this Matrix by the matrix specified in the matrix parameter, and in the order specified in the order parameter. |
Reset() | Resets this Matrix to have the elements of the identity matrix. |
Rotate(float) | Prepend to this Matrix a clockwise rotation, around the origin and by the specified angle. |
Rotate(float, MatrixOrder) | Applies a clockwise rotation of an amount specified in the angle parameter, around the origin (zero x and y coordinates) for this Matrix. |
RotateAt(float, PointF) | Applies a clockwise rotation to this Matrix around the point specified in the point parameter, and by prepending the rotation. |
RotateAt(float, PointF, MatrixOrder) | Applies a clockwise rotation about the specified point to this Matrix in the specified order. |
Scale(float, float) | Applies the specified scale vector to this Matrix by prepending the scale vector. |
Scale(float, float, MatrixOrder) | Applies the specified scale vector (scaleX and scaleY) to this Matrix using the specified order. |
Shear(float, float) | Applies the specified shear vector to this Matrix by prepending the shear transformation. |
Shear(float, float, MatrixOrder) | Applies the specified shear vector to this Matrix in the specified order. |
TransformPoints(PointF[]) | Applies the geometric transform represented by this Matrix to a specified array of points. |
TransformPoints(Point[]) | Applies the geometric transform represented by this Matrix to a specified array of points. |
TransformVectors(PointF[]) | Multiplies each vector in an array by the matrix. The translation elements of this matrix (third row) are ignored. |
Translate(float, float) | Applies the specified translation vector (offsetX and offsetY) to this Matrix by prepending the translation vector. |
Translate(float, float, MatrixOrder) | Applies the specified translation vector to this Matrix in the specified order. |