ITextureBrush class

ITextureBrush class

Defines brush interface that uses an image to fill the interior of a shape.

The ITextureBrush type exposes the following members:


imageGets or sets the image used by the brush.
opacityGet opacity value in a color transform matrix.
image_areaSpecifies the portion of the image used by the brush.
If it equals RectangleF.Empty then the whole image will be used.
Coordinates are in pixels.
color_mapThe number of elements must be even. Every even element is old color. Every odd element is new color.
transformation_matrixGet the transform. The transform defines a local geometric transform for this brush.
wrap_modeGets or sets the wrap mode. Wrap mode specifies how a texture or gradient is tiled
when it is smaller than the area being filled.
typeGet type of brush;

See Also