ITrueTypeFont class

ITrueTypeFont class

Declares methods for working with TrueType fonts.

The ITrueTypeFont type exposes the following members:


family_nameGets the name of the font family.
sub_family_nameThe Subfamily name distinguishes the font in a group with the same Family name.
This is assumed to address style (italic, oblique) and weight (light, bold, black, etc.).
A font with no particular differences in weight or style should have the string “Regular”.
full_font_nameFull font name is generally represented as combination of Family and Subfamily names.
data_sizeGets the size of the font data in bytes.


get_dataOpens the stream with the font data. The caller is responsible for disposing the stream.
get_descentGets the descent of the font in points using the specified font size.
get_ascentGets the ascent of the font in points using the specified font size.

See Also