MarkdownSyntaxVisitor class

MarkdownSyntaxVisitor class

The base class for markdown syntax visitor.

The MarkdownSyntaxVisitor type exposes the following members:


visitDefines the interface for visit syntax tree.
visitDefines the interface for visit node.
visit_line_breakDefines the interface for visit SoftBreakSyntax.
visit_line_breakDefines the interface for visit HardBreakSyntax.
visit_listDefines the interface for visit UnorderedListSyntax.
visit_listDefines the interface for visit OrderedListSyntax.
visit_linkDefines the interface for visit InlineLinkSyntax.
visit_linkDefines the interface for visit AutoLinkSyntax.
visit_blockDefines the interface for visit block.
visit_empty_lineDefines the interface for visit text line.
visit_textDefines the interface for visit text syntax.
visit_escaped_characterDefines the interface for visit escape character.
visit_whitespaceDefines the interface for visit Whitespace Syntax.
visit_syntax_nodeDefines the interface for visit node.
visit_syntax_treeDefines the interface for visit MarkdownSyntaxTree.
visit_paragraphDefines the interface for visit paragraph.
visit_atx_headingDefines the interface for visit AtxHeadingSyntax.
visit_setext_headingDefines the interface for visit SetextHeadingSyntax.
visit_thematic_breakDefines the interface for visit ThematicBreakSyntax.
visit_emphasisDefines the interface for visit EmphasisSyntax.
visit_code_spanDefines the interface for visit CodeSpanSyntax.
visit_character_referenceDefines the interface for visit CharacterReferenceSyntax.
visit_list_itemDefines the interface for visit ListItemSyntax.
visit_block_quoteDefines the interface for visit BlockQuoteSyntax.
visit_indented_code_blockDefines the interface for visit IndentedCodeBlockSyntax.
visit_fenced_code_blockDefines the interface for visit FencedCodeBlockSyntax.
visit_tableDefines the interface for visit TableSyntax.
visit_reference_linkDefines the interface for visit ReferenceLinkSyntax.
visit_imageDefines the interface for visit InlineImageSyntax.
visit_reference_imageDefines the interface for visit ReferenceImageSyntax.
visit_link_reference_definitionDefines the interface for visit LinkReferenceDefinitionSyntax.
visit_htmlDefines the interface for visit HTMLFragmentSyntax.
visit_node_listDefines the interface for visit NodeList.

See Also