Class Coord

Coord class

This class designed to represent data related to coordinates of PUB fields. Every field in PUB holds coordinates has 2 pairs of coordinates: coordinates of upper-left corner (XLeft, YTop) and coordinates of bottom-right corner(XRight, YBottom). All coordinates represented in special metric system - English Metric Unit(EMUs). Additional methods were added into this class to transform coordinate values from english metric units into inches.

public class Coord : ICloneable


Coord(int, int, int, int)Constructor


XLeft { get; }X-coordinate of upper-left corner in EMUs
XRight { get; }X-coordinate of bottom-right corner in EMUs
YBottom { get; }Y-coordinate of bottom-right corner in EMUs
YTop { get; }Y-coordinate of upper-left corner in EMUs


CalculateHeight()Calculates height of figure(current Coord object) and returns result in inches
CalculateWidth()Calculates width of figure(current Coord object) and returns result in inches
CalculateX()Transforms value for X-coordinate from natural PUB metric system into inches
CalculateX(double)Transforms value for X-coordinate from natural PUB metric system into inches
CalculateY()Transforms value for Y-coordinate from natural PUB metric system into inches
CalculateY(double)Transforms value for Y-coordinate from natural PUB metric system into inches
Clone()Created copy of object
GetHeight()Returns height of current Coord object in natural PUB metrics
GetWidth()Returns width of current Coord object in natural PUB metrics

See Also