
Inheritance: java.lang.Object,

public class ForeignKeyConstraint extends System.Data.Constraint

Represents an action restriction enforced on a set of columns in a primary key/foreign key relationship when a value or row is either deleted or updated.


ForeignKeyConstraint(String constraintName, System.Data.DataColumn[] parentColumns, System.Data.DataColumn[] childColumns)Initializes a new instance of the ForeignKeyConstraint class with the specified name, and arrays of parent and child DataColumn objects.
ForeignKeyConstraint(System.Data.DataColumn parentColumn, System.Data.DataColumn childColumn)Initializes a new instance of the ForeignKeyConstraint class with the specified parent and child DataColumn objects.
ForeignKeyConstraint(String constraintName, System.Data.DataColumn parentColumn, System.Data.DataColumn childColumn)Initializes a new instance of the ForeignKeyConstraint class with the specified name, parent and child DataColumn objects.


equals(Object key)Gets a value indicating whether the current ForeignKeyConstraint is identical to the specified object.
getColumns()Gets the child columns of this constraint.
getConstraintName()The name of a constraint in the ConstraintCollection.
getDeleteRule()Gets the action that occurs across this constraint when a row is deleted.
getRelatedColumns()The parent columns of this constraint.
getRelatedTable()Gets the parent table of this constraint.
getTable()Gets the child table of this constraint.
getUpdateRule()Gets the action that occurs across this constraint on when a row is updated.
setConstraintName(String value)The name of a constraint in the ConstraintCollection.

ForeignKeyConstraint(String constraintName, System.Data.DataColumn[] parentColumns, System.Data.DataColumn[] childColumns)

public ForeignKeyConstraint(String constraintName, System.Data.DataColumn[] parentColumns, System.Data.DataColumn[] childColumns)

Initializes a new instance of the ForeignKeyConstraint class with the specified name, and arrays of parent and child DataColumn objects.


constraintNamejava.lang.StringThe name of the ForeignKeyConstraint. If null or empty string, a default name will be given when added to the constraints collection.
parentColumnsDataColumn[]An array of parent DataColumn in the constraint.
childColumnsDataColumn[]An array of child DataColumn in the constraint.

ForeignKeyConstraint(System.Data.DataColumn parentColumn, System.Data.DataColumn childColumn)

public ForeignKeyConstraint(System.Data.DataColumn parentColumn, System.Data.DataColumn childColumn)

Initializes a new instance of the ForeignKeyConstraint class with the specified parent and child DataColumn objects.


parentColumnDataColumnThe parent DataColumn in the constraint.
childColumnDataColumnThe child DataColumn in the constraint.

ForeignKeyConstraint(String constraintName, System.Data.DataColumn parentColumn, System.Data.DataColumn childColumn)

public ForeignKeyConstraint(String constraintName, System.Data.DataColumn parentColumn, System.Data.DataColumn childColumn)

Initializes a new instance of the ForeignKeyConstraint class with the specified name, parent and child DataColumn objects.


constraintNamejava.lang.StringThe name of the constraint.
parentColumnDataColumnThe parent DataColumn in the constraint.
childColumnDataColumnThe child DataColumn in the constraint.

equals(Object key)

public boolean equals(Object key)

Gets a value indicating whether the current ForeignKeyConstraint is identical to the specified object.


keyjava.lang.ObjectThe object to which this ForeignKeyConstraint is compared. Two ForeignKeyConstraint are equal if they constrain the same columns.

Returns: boolean - true, if the objects are identical; otherwise, false.


public System.Data.DataColumn[] getColumns()

Gets the child columns of this constraint.

Returns:[] - An array of DataColumn objects that are the child columns of the constraint.


public String getConstraintName()

The name of a constraint in the ConstraintCollection.

Returns: java.lang.String - The name of the Constraint.


public System.Data.Rule getDeleteRule()

Gets the action that occurs across this constraint when a row is deleted.

Returns: Rule - One of the Rule values. The default is Cascade. The returned value is one of Rule constants.


public System.Data.DataColumn[] getRelatedColumns()

The parent columns of this constraint.

Returns:[] - An array of DataColumn objects that are the parent columns of the constraint.


public System.Data.DataTable getRelatedTable()

Gets the parent table of this constraint.

Returns: DataTable - The parent DataTable of this constraint.


public System.Data.DataTable getTable()

Gets the child table of this constraint.

Returns: DataTable - A DataTable that is the child table in the constraint.


public System.Data.Rule getUpdateRule()

Gets the action that occurs across this constraint on when a row is updated.

Returns: Rule - One of the Rule values. The default is Cascade. The returned value is one of Rule constants.


public int hashCode()

Returns: int

setConstraintName(String value)

public void setConstraintName(String value)

The name of a constraint in the ConstraintCollection.


valuejava.lang.StringThe name of the Constraint.