texture_alignment property

Fill.texture_alignment property

Gets or sets the alignment for tile texture fill.

def texture_alignment(self) -> aspose.words.drawing.TextureAlignment:

def texture_alignment(self, value: aspose.words.drawing.TextureAlignment):


Shows how to fill and tiling the texture inside the shape.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
shape = builder.insert_shape(shape_type=aw.drawing.ShapeType.RECTANGLE, width=80, height=80)
# Apply texture alignment to the shape fill.
shape.fill.texture_alignment = aw.drawing.TextureAlignment.TOP_RIGHT
# Use the compliance option to define the shape using DML if you want to get "TextureAlignment"
# property after the document saves.
save_options = aw.saving.OoxmlSaveOptions()
save_options.compliance = aw.saving.OoxmlCompliance.ISO29500_2008_STRICT
doc.save(file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Shape.TextureFill.docx', save_options=save_options)

See Also