has_image property

ImageData.has_image property

Returns True if the shape has image bytes or links an image.

def has_image(self) -> bool:


Shows how to save all images from a document to the file system.

img_source_doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + 'Images.docx')
# Shapes with the "has_image" flag set store and display all the document's images.
shapes_with_images = [node.as_shape() for node in img_source_doc.get_child_nodes(aw.NodeType.SHAPE, True) if node.as_shape().has_image]
# Go through each shape and save its image.
format_converter = drawing.ImageFormatConverter()
for shape_index, shape in enumerate(shapes_with_images):
    image_data = shape.image_data
    format = image_data.to_image().raw_format
    file_extension = format_converter.convert_to_string(format)
    with open(ARTIFACTS_DIR + f'Drawing.save_all_images.{shape_index}.{file_extension}', 'wb') as file_stream:

See Also