load_windows_settings method


Loads predefined table substitution settings for Windows platform.

def load_windows_settings(self):


Shows how to access font substitution tables for Windows and Linux.

doc = aw.Document()
font_settings = aw.fonts.FontSettings()
doc.font_settings = font_settings
# Create a new table substitution rule and load the default Microsoft Windows font substitution table.
table_substitution_rule = font_settings.substitution_settings.table_substitution
# In Windows, the default substitute for the "Times New Roman CE" font is "Times New Roman".
self.assertListEqual(['Times New Roman'], list(table_substitution_rule.get_substitutes('Times New Roman CE')))
# We can save the table in the form of an XML document.
table_substitution_rule.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'FontSettings.table_substitution_rule.windows.xml')
# Linux has its own substitution table.
# There are multiple substitute fonts for "Times New Roman CE".
# If the first substitute, "FreeSerif" is also unavailable,
# this rule will cycle through the others in the array until it finds an available one.
self.assertListEqual(['FreeSerif', 'Liberation Serif', 'DejaVu Serif'], list(table_substitution_rule.get_substitutes('Times New Roman CE')))
# Save the Linux substitution table in the form of an XML document using a stream.
with open(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'FontSettings.table_substitution_rule.linux.xml', 'wb') as file_stream:

See Also