list property

ListFormat.list property

Gets or sets the list this paragraph is a member of.

def list(self) -> aspose.words.lists.List:

def list(self, value: aspose.words.lists.List):


The list that is being assigned to this property must belong to the current document.

The list that is being assigned to this property must not be a list style definition.

Setting this property to None removes bullets and numbering from the paragraph and sets the list level number to zero. Setting this property to None is equivalent to calling ListFormat.remove_numbers().


Shows how to work with list levels.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
# A list allows us to organize and decorate sets of paragraphs with prefix symbols and indents.
# We can create nested lists by increasing the indent level.
# We can begin and end a list by using a document builder's "list_format" property.
# Each paragraph that we add between a list's start and the end will become an item in the list.
# Below are two types of lists that we can create using a document builder.
# 1 -  A numbered list:
# Numbered lists create a logical order for their paragraphs by numbering each item.
builder.list_format.list = doc.lists.add(aw.lists.ListTemplate.NUMBER_DEFAULT)
# By setting the "list_level_number" property, we can increase the list level
# to begin a self-contained sub-list at the current list item.
# The Microsoft Word list template called "NumberDefault" uses numbers to create list levels for the first list level.
# Deeper list levels use letters and lowercase Roman numerals.
for i in range(9):
    builder.list_format.list_level_number = i
    builder.writeln(f'Level {i}')
# 2 -  A bulleted list:
# This list will apply an indent and a bullet symbol ("•") before each paragraph.
# Deeper levels of this list will use different symbols, such as "■" and "○".
builder.list_format.list = doc.lists.add(aw.lists.ListTemplate.BULLET_DEFAULT)
for i in range(9):
    builder.list_format.list_level_number = i
    builder.writeln(f'Level {i}')
# We can disable list formatting to not format any subsequent paragraphs as lists by un-setting the "List" flag.
builder.list_format.list = None
self.assertFalse(builder.list_format.is_list_item) + 'Lists.specify_list_level.docx')

Shows how to nest a list inside another list.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
# A list allows us to organize and decorate sets of paragraphs with prefix symbols and indents.
# We can create nested lists by increasing the indent level.
# We can begin and end a list by using a document builder's "list_format" property.
# Each paragraph that we add between a list's start and the end will become an item in the list.
# Create an outline list for the headings.
outline_list = doc.lists.add(aw.lists.ListTemplate.OUTLINE_NUMBERS)
builder.list_format.list = outline_list
builder.paragraph_format.style_identifier = aw.StyleIdentifier.HEADING1
builder.writeln('This is my Chapter 1')
# Create a numbered list.
numbered_list = doc.lists.add(aw.lists.ListTemplate.NUMBER_DEFAULT)
builder.list_format.list = numbered_list
builder.paragraph_format.style_identifier = aw.StyleIdentifier.NORMAL
builder.writeln('Numbered list item 1.')
# Every paragraph that comprises a list will have this flag.
# Create a bulleted list.
bulleted_list = doc.lists.add(aw.lists.ListTemplate.BULLET_DEFAULT)
builder.list_format.list = bulleted_list
builder.paragraph_format.left_indent = 72
builder.writeln('Bulleted list item 1.')
builder.writeln('Bulleted list item 2.')
# Revert to the numbered list.
builder.list_format.list = numbered_list
builder.writeln('Numbered list item 2.')
builder.writeln('Numbered list item 3.')
# Revert to the outline list.
builder.list_format.list = outline_list
builder.paragraph_format.style_identifier = aw.StyleIdentifier.HEADING1
builder.writeln('This is my Chapter 2')
builder.paragraph_format.clear_formatting() + 'Lists.nested_lists.docx')

See Also